Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Years Kiss

25 minutes ago I celebrated New Years Eve. Me, the dogs, the fireworks outside, and my sleeping little boy curled up in his bed while Thomas the Train engine buzzed around the city with Sir Top 'am Hat played on his little DVD player.
As the ball dropped on NBC I was in the middle of Julie & Julia, quite frankly a wonderful movie. I hit the pause button as the fireworks grew louder and more frequent and walked to the back of the house, bent down and gave my new years kiss to the cutest boy in the world.
I almost cried.
I am not really sure why. My husband and I have spent 2 New Years together in 6 years, but for the past 3 I have kissed the same little man on the cheek and told the same little person I love them and Happy New Year. Each year he has changed so much there are no words. Thank God for pictures.
I don't know how many more years I will get to kiss the same little man on New
Years. I am sure one day far sooner then I will like, he will have friends or girlfriends, places to go and things to do. But for now, he will be my New Years kiss for as long as I can keep it that way.

May 2010 bless every family more so then 2009. May God be with you all. And my you find yourselves in a better place on the Eve of 2011 then you do today.

Happy New Year!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Midnight Snack

For those who weren't around for the 1st pregnancy, let me just say that things are following suit. Just like the 1st time, I am pretty much sick all day every day. Me and the porcelain white god have become close personal friends yet again. If I remember correcting for about 6 weeks of the 2nd trimester I was good, then it was right back to hugging the toilet.
That being said, I go much of the day without consuming a lot of food. With Kaje I lost about 5 lbs in the 1st Trimester, so far this time I have lost 10 lbs in 2 weeks. I needed to lose weight anyway so I am not concerned about this and neither is the doctor. However the only time I seem to feel hungry or be able to eat is around 11 pm.
Last night everyone was in bed and had been for quite some time, when I looked at my husband and told him I wanted some chips and salsa, needless to say he told me I could make it myself. I got up and made myself a snack, sat down in the den to eat it and low and behold here comes Kaje. With a little smirk on his face, and wide awake. He was hungry two!
The two of us watched an episode of Roseanne on Nick at Night, ate some chips and salsa, re-brushed our teeth and tucked back in for the night. I think it is knowing the great moments you get to have with your kids that makes all the puking so worth it!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Everything is OK!

Sorry it took so long to come back and write about what was going on. I really didn't want to write much because here at the house we really weren't talking about it. But here is the short version:

We found out we were expecting a little over a month ago. As a family we decided to only share the news with family. It seems lately so many people we know have suffered a lose and I hate that for everyone. Well, my 1st appt went well. But then the following day I had an ultrasounds that did not go so well. They found a gestational sac, but no baby. At the stage I was at that was ok to not see the fetal pole, but not ok that there was no yok sac present. My husband and I were of course very upset and with the exception of our parents and a few friends we kept it to ourselves. Well, I should have stayed off the Internet. That is where I discovered what is called a "blighted ovum" which is were you conceive, but the baby pass away very early in development but your body does not recognize it. It was a horrible feeling. To know that there really was a type of loss you could suffer that you still felt all the pregnancy symptoms. It made me even sadder for all of my friends I knew had suffered a loss as well because I could totally identify with what they were going through. The following Tuesday the Dr called and told me she felt it was not a viable pregnancy as well. I was set up for blood work and a follow up ultrasound. So that day and on Thanksgiving I went in for blood work. This Tuesday while checking in for my ultra sounds I received a call from the Dr about the blood work. The numbers were not positive. At that stage your hormone levels should double every 48 hrs. I only had a rise of 6000. Waiting for the ultrasounds was like impending dome. Thankfully my husband takes everything in stride and said no matter what we will have another baby, it just may not be in July.
We finally went back for the ultrasound. I couldn't really speak. I just laid there and let the tech do her thing. Like the last ultrasounds the tech was very quite and didn't say much. She then told me she was looking at my ovaries which is what the last tech did before she told me there was no baby. Then the tech dropped and lowered the screen and said "let me show you what I can see". I couldn't do it. I burst into tears on the table and looked away and asked if there was anything there, because if there wasn't I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to know that my body had done everything right but the baby hadn't made.
To my surprise she grab my hand and said "NO! Everything is fine! Why didn't you tell me you were worried I would have told you 1st off that the baby was there and we could see the heartbeat."
I was such a great feeling. I of course had an emotional break down on the table, but am thrilled that everything looks good and our family should be growing in July!
My heart is still with all those woman who the news is not as positive. Although things went ok, for days I just knew this wasn't it. It was a horrible feeling. I wish there was something I could do to make people feel better when they experience that loss. But I know that there isn't. Nothing anyone was telling me during those two weeks of wondering made me feel any better.

Well, that is the story. We of course are very excited things turned out ok. It will be one of those life experiences that will always keep those people in my prayers.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

the Internet...NOT always a good thing

We have some stuff going on here at the Herring house hold that I am not 100% ready to revile to the world. I has become a very trying time for my husband and I. K of course takes everything like any almost 3yr old would. There were some test run the other day that of course produced inconclusive results. Some days I wish I was a Doctors and could just run to the office and run as many test and I damn well pleased till I had my answer! But in stead us without an MD resort to the Internet. Googling symptoms or ailments, maybe symptoms, symptoms that disappeared and whole other slew of googling. One site says it is rare and unlikely list a group of factors that of course do not apply, then another site says something completely opposite.

Then there is the waiting game. Can't call your dr back till Monday. Can't do a lot about it till then. Don't really want to worry a bunch of people so you don't want to tell anyone what is going on. Just keeping it in the family and waiting for news.

I pray everything is ok. Whatever it is, it is. It is just one of those moments in life where the internet was NOT THE BEST place to go looking for answers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Breeding Lizards

There is a fine Art to breeding Lizards. Yes you read that correctly, Breeding Lizards. Apparently, you must live in an area where it is still 70 degrees in November. Have a plush out door space with a large deck that keeps birds, and other large animals from eating them. On the cool days you must a rental house that has a WHOLE somewhere that lets them all come in and live in your house!!!

I swear we are BREEDING LIZARDS! The Scotts are coming this weekend and we have a lizard infestation. Now that being said, I must say it is an infestation I can handle, but at the same time I am kind of over it. The Lizards and tree Frogs were fun this summer, but now I am ready for them to be done with. However, in the past 2 weeks I have probably thrown out 8 that were about an inch long, and 2 that were 2-3 inches long and about 3 weeks ago we had a Large one, roughly 6 inches (those numbers are the body length not with tail). On top of that, no telling how many we have seen in the garage and caught in the back yard for fun during that same time period.

Seriously people! Lizards are taking over!!!

Well at least Kaje likes them, the dogs find them entertaining, and I get a work out trying to get them out of the house =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey Mommy! Where have you been?

Well, where haven't we been?

Life has been insanely busy! Hard to say when I only work Part Time now instead of Full time, but you would be amazed how quickly I have filled my life back up!!! Kercher is growing so fast and requires a lot of attention and does not exactly listen when I ask him to be still or to go to his play room. Which by the way I will add, I will NEVER not have a playroom as long as I have small children EVER again! Greatest thing EVER!

I have been attempting to scrapbook, coupon, save money, get ready to finish my masters, and a whole slew of other things, all the while still not seeing my husband much (even though we are at a shore command). I will say it is WAY better then being on a ship and going out to sea all the time, but still not as great as a regular 9-5. We do however LOVE that Daddy gets to do pickups and drop offs from school and the sitter quite a bit. He does come home EVERYDAY which is a vast improvement, and although he ha been home now for close to 6 months I still like seeing him everyday (which any wife has to admit when you are use to not having your husband around all the time you have to wonder if you will want to kill him a few months into having him home everyday). but so far so good.

I have PROMISED a lot of readers a real coupon blog, so that is coming. i have been saving INSANE amounts of money at the store lately!!!

Well for now it is back to work, but i will post something soon!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

H1N1 What to do????

So...if you know me you know I AM PRO VACCINE!!!! I think people who do not vaccinate there child ARE CRAZY! And that they should not attend the same schools as my child. I think this because our generation has become complacent (much like the American people, but that is a Blonde is Write Blog)and we do not know what it is to watch kids die from the mumps, OR be crippled by polio. We take for granted the medical advancements that have been afforded to us. There has been NO MEDICAL PROOF that vaccines and Autism are linked. Most people believe that the additive in Vaccines that causes Autism is Thermosil, which FYI is NO LONGER IN VACCINES! I support Alternative Vaccines schedules. It isn't something I did with my child, however there are really no real test out there to say that the issue with vaccines is how many our kids get. So I do think more Dr's should allow parents to use an alternative vaccination schedule where that child received one shot at a time. That is your decision, I would rather you vaccinate your child on an alternative schedule then not at all, and I think a lot of people would feel the same way.

But I am at a crossroads with H1N1...

We have never vaccinated Kaje for the flu. Hell I have never received a flu vaccine. My hubby and I are hoping to expand our family sooner then later and I do not want to get the vaccine because they do not know that effects on an unborn fetus. SO then I have to ask myself if I would not expose my unborn (I am not even preggo) child with the vaccine why would I expose my child that I do have now?

I just don't know.

Many people say, well the flu vac is "new" every year and it is based on the same principle as that....well I don't vaccinate my child for the flu...never have. It is the Flu. people do die from the flu but most people have other conditions that contribute to that. I am not saying it doesn't happen, just that it is something we have chosen not to do. then again the highest % of people to die from H1N1 is preggo woman, so maybe i am making the wrong decision....

I just don't know. I think vaccines are good. That more people WIN from getting a vaccination than lose. I think that parents not vaccinating their children with the MMR and POLO is going to start some ill already has. I believe that overall vaccination is why am I so hesitant to get this vaccination?

A month ago if you had asked, I would have told you we would have all be in line that day! But now, now I don't know. I have watched kids have it and been a ok, I have known Preggo woman who have been exposed and not flinched. It is a tough decision for any family.

One I never thought would be tough for me.

The hubby and I are still talking....he says lets get it...but then again he says maybe we shouldn't. What ever we decide we have to believe we made the right decision...that we are 100% behind what we did. Because if something goes the other way what will we do then?

Life is greater with a child, but at the same time you make the choices for their future...there is no greater pressure then that.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Slacker Mom

Soooooooo yesterday while working at my desk, I spilled my coffee. Nothing new for me. I seem to spill something everyday, which is why I drink out of my "grown up sippy cup" also known as a reusable water bottle and a coffee cup with a top =) But for that to work, you have to close the cap when not drinking.

Enter Slacker Mom issues....

As I was cleaning the coffee up I stumbled across Kaje's baby books...yea books. See I didn't like the 1st one, so I got a new one, and I have half of the information I know in one book and the other half in another book. Not to mention that most of the information I don't even know. I know I can get a copy of his medical record from the pediatrician and update the information. Some of the dates I don't know 100% but I know the month they happened...but wow! How much of a slacker can you be?

I wish I could say I have several kids and that is why this isn't finished, but I so can not do so. To add to it, I really need to get another book and start from scratch and just get it all finished because I decided to write in them both with several different pens and it is driving me NUTS! Maybe I will just make my own. After all I do have a MILLION scrapbook things, and I can personalize it for Him and the things I do special picks and days I do have information on...humm there is an idea! I will have to do that, that may be better to begin with.

I will have to be sure to be MORE focused and complete a 2nd child's book =)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

1st Book Fair

I love the smell of new books. I love books. I just wish I had more time to read them. But, for what I lack in adult reading I definitely make up in reading to the Kiddo.

Every night we read to Kaje. Around 30 minutes or so. It is kind of our time with him, our special time. Plus it is fun!

Well, Kaje's school was having a Scholastic book fair this week. I didn't even know they did those anymore. Then again I haven't been in grade school in almost 20 years so what do I know anyway. I just had to take him, and on the 1st day Of Course! Couldn't let everyone else get all the good books =)

Mommy picked out these Fab Dinosaur books by Jane Yolan. I think we have almost all of them. They are great! And such a cute idea. The dinosaur is really a child, but I must tell you it works a lot easier when I tell K what to do, and I say what would a Dinosaur do vs saying what does the boy in the story do. We want to be a Dinosaur, not a boy. I also picked up two more Cars Books (always good), a great Singing Monster book, and K picked a book.

The Very Grumpy Bear.

OMG! Too funny! The cranky bear, what a play on a child. It is so funny how many stories are there for parents tucked into little kid books. Kind of like old Disney movies, without the vulgarity =) K and I have visited the Jingle Jangle Jungle (where the cranky bear lives). Everynight this week. He gets so excited to read it, that we have to read it twice. It is just fun =) Oh so fun =)

You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get inside when you eat a hot brownie with ice cream on top, or the way you feel on a Cool Crisp Day when you breath in the cool air and you can almost smell fires burning....

that is how it feels to be a mom...EVERYDAY!

So Mommy is way BLONDE!

Blogging issue solved. You must be in the compose mode to copy and past, not Edit Html...seriously! Anyway, so below is last nights post.

Mommy's Couponin'

Good Lord! Who ever knew that saving money could be so hard! Guess
what? I am exhausted! I spent 2 days figuring out the best deals,
checking different sites, organizing my coupons, making my list. Then
spent another 5 hrs going around and buying all my stuff! Now as much
as it took forever! I think that as time passes it will get easier and
I will save more. However to sum of the day...

Walgreens: Spent around $17 bought close to $46
Target: Spent $13 but saved around $15 plus got a $5 GC
Publix: Spent $22 saved $25 =) Publix was the best! Well I felt as
though it was and felt like I walked out very accomplished.

The great grocery games is def a lot of work, but I am hoping it can
really save us some money.

Below are some of the sites I use. Check them out! (become their fan on FB) (this is a new one, but it is
a friend of mine, and the girl is a wiz at saving)

Happy clipping =)

Last Nights Post

Let us try this again =)


Wednesday, September 16, 2009


So I have been trying to post for an hour, but it will not let me copy and paste. I always copy and paste! What is the deal!!!

I will try to post tomorrow.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pee While Standing

Something I have heard more then once in my life is that woman can do everything men can do except pee while standing up....well I must say travel to Japan and you will have to learn just as myself and the 22 other members of my Varsity all girl Cheerleading squad did back in 99. Although we could accomplish this feet, we were far from masters. As women 2 ft shorter then us would buzz in and out of the bathroom in a matter of seconds most of us couldn't complete the task without taking one full leg of our pants off.
Why on earth would I be talking about a trip and an experience from 10 years ago? Well, it is the only experience I had with my new mommy challenge.
As great as being in our new city is and my hubbies new job and work schedule is...there are still some short falls. Like Kaje starting preschool and needing to be able to pee standing up and no husband there to discuss this with him!
See, during the potty training process I taught him to sit down. Just as I am sure multiple other little boys are taught everyday. The standing up is messy for YEARS from what I hear, and I didn't think Kaje would be in any situations where it would matter quite so soon. However, when we went to his new preschool for meet the teacher night, I was asked point blank, "Does he pee standing or sitting? And if sitting does he know to push himself down?"
Enter Deer in headlights mother who is a good 6-10 years younger then any other mother in that class room and feels as though I am getting a stare down or that I might say the wrong thing.
"Umm, well he sits on a training potty at home or a training potty one of those available?" Response "No".
Ok, that is great! We start training the next day, as we have last then a week to master one of these 2 processes. Lets just say that peeing sitting and pushing down went over as well as resses cups without peanut butter. He just couldn't grasp the hold yourself on the potty with one hand, push down with the other. Not to mention I would be directly in front of him helping and yes you guessed it, getting peed on...aren't kids great! After a day of this I give up. He just isn't getting it. He is getting frustrated, I am frustrated, we are both tired of changing clothes. So we switch.
Just imagine yourself trying to teach a small child how to hold himself and know since you have never done this before! I didn't have to hold anything in Japan...other then standing I got NOTHING! I try to explain over and over what he has to do. He is crying he has to go peepee and wants to sit on his little potty, I am trying to explain he has to learn this to go to school, he says I don't want to go then...AHH This is a nightmare.
Then I discover Fruit Loops. Toss one in the potty, tell him to hit it as he goes pee pee. What do you know. 2 1/2 year old peeing while standing! Whewwww crisis adverted. Hubby is cracking up when he comes home and sees us in he bathroom asking me what I told him to do! All the while laughing at me.
Enter 1st day of school. I let the teacher know we can stand up! She replies "oh that is great! sorry if I caught you off guard on Tuesday evening I was just shocked he was so young and potty trained already!"
So the parents were looking at me because Kaje is the youngest in the class of 6, and he and the 1 little girl in the class are the only two not wearing a diaper or a pull up!!!
I must say, thus far teaching my son to pee while standing up was the most interesting...

Thursday, August 6, 2009

And We're Back

So it has been a while. To say the least I am sure. A LOT has been going on these days in all aspects of this mommy's life. So to make it short I will condense it through steps =)

1- Moved to South Carolina. Love this place. The HUBS loves this place. We have great neighbors and old friends here that we have enjoyed reconnecting with. So far so good. We have a HUGE yard vs our VA home which has been great for Tessa and Piper, not to mention Kaje loves to be out there and play.
2-Before we left VA I found out I would be getting to stay on with the Credit Union. Same pay, same job, lost my benefits but working from home is a whole new benefit (and challenge to say the least).
3-Have an offer on our house in VA and under contract. The Home Inspection is actually in about 45 minutes which is great and stressful all at the same time. Not exactly the offer we wanted, but an offer to say the least. Selling the house is better then paying for a home you don't live in and we didn't want to rent it out. We did too much work to that house to let someone else come in and mess it all up.
4- Kaje is registered and starts preschool in a week! August 17th will be his 1st day of school and I am so excited! I am a better mom when he is not home all day. Maybe that makes me a bad mom, but I think it makes me a Better mom =) that is a whole other blog in and of itself.
5-Family Family Family coming out of our ears! Living closer is great but everyone wants to visit all at once and that has been tough. The hubby has a weird schedule but the added benefit of a 4 day weekend every month, too bad they are booked through December.
6-Lost 50 lbs while the hubs was deployed and have gained 15 of it back =( but started back to the gym HARD CORE this week. I am determined to get it back off, as well as another 15 down so we can start trying for Baby #2 in October (assuming we really do close n the house on August 28th) as well as I want to have Jennifer Anniston Arms for my sisters wedding in March. 6 months, that is totally doable right?
7-We have POTTY TRAINING SUCCESS! I will be blogging about that soon as well now that I am up and running here in SC. Wish I would have tackled that battle sooner and will do so with the next kiddo. A HUGE thanks to my Friend Kimberlee who is the potty training Queen! She gave me the 411 on what she did with her oldest son. I planned to buy the book of the program she used, but didn't need to. The very next day I just started with her suggestions and bada bing bada boom we are using the potty all the time! Still in a diaper for nap and sleep, and of course any kid is going to have accidents, but you know, one thing at a time and I am not ready for changing sheets in the middle of the night yet=)
8-Have a play room at the new house and freakin love it! From here on out I will always have one. It is so great to not have toys everywhere. Not to mention nice for Kaje to have a place to play. There is room in his bedroom, but I like having the distinction of this is where we play, and this is where you sleep. Plus no distractions at bedtime. Maybe when he is older we can change that.
9-Love our new neighbors! Great people. 4 cute little girls and just all around good people. They coupon like mad people and our going to teach me how. Last week they bought $425 worth of food for $106.25! No joke I saw the receipt INSANE! They have also been great for getting settled as well as taught us how to make sushi which has been so fun to learn and do, now we are looking to expand and make more complicated rolls so yummy =)
10- Whew that is enough for one day right?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Hey Mommy is Moving

Well, the military packed us on Tuesday. They loaded all of our things on Wednesday. Today is my last day working in the office for my current place of employment (but thrilled to say that they are keeping me on as a consultant so I get to work from home now!), and tomorrow 5 am we pull out of our driveway and head for a new destination.

Kind of scary to say the least. Everyone keeps saying “it will work out”. So far I have to say it has! Now if our house will just sell then we would be set! I am really hoping that the house sells soon and I can finish my masters degree in Mathematical Education, I will then be licensed to teach 5th-9th grade math! Super excited about that! Although, not super excited about all the studying.

Kaje seems to be taking the news of the move well. We have been trying to tell him that he is getting a new room, and a new house. We have also been bracing him that Kenzie will not be there, his best friend (the 2 are only 4 weeks apart and have spent much of their lives together). He seems to understand what is happening; at least more then I thought a 2 ½ year old would. He likes to tell everyone about his new house and his new backyard, but he gets really quite when you tell him Kenzie is not coming. I think he understands that something is going to happen and he isn’t going to see her that often, but I don’t think he really comprehends how that will affect him. Lucky for us kids are resilient and I think they will be ok…but it is the hardest part of the move.

We have watched good friends leave and move on, but this one will be the worst. I know Amy and I can talk on the phone, email, and FB, but the two kids really can’t. Not to mention it is weird to me that we were pregnant with the kids together. I watched her daughter grow right next to my son, was in the room with her when she delivered her 2nd baby girl Ashlyn, heck was the 1st person she called at 5 am in the morning to tell she was pregnant, we even cried about it together! Almost ever day our husbands were gone over the course of the last 4 years we were together. We were with her and her husband when they learned his dad passed away. Just so much. It is such a strange feeling to me to know that we have been so tied to their family for so long, and them to ours that it will almost feel like part of our family is missing when we move.

That doesn’t mean I don’t love everyone else…it is just one of those things that happens when you are part of the military. Everyone has someone that becomes their family. Most of our military friends don’t have family close by. Us include. So you develop a whole new bond with people that you wouldn’t other wise. These are the people that are there to watch your kids when you are sick, the people you spend holidays and birthdays with. Sometimes you become almost more upset when they can not attend your child’s birthday party then you do when your parents can’t! It is just one of those things.

I know that we will always be connected with the Scott’s. I know no matter what Kaje and Kenzie will always know each other, but I don’t know if it will ever be the same. I don’t know if we will come back here. Our plan is to get out of the Navy after this duty station. Bryan made LDO and so they could end up back in CA or Hawaii (which I must say if they do I plan to visit A LOT!!!), of course we could all end up back in VA together. But it will never be the same.

You can’t spend your life looking back. I am excited for the move! My mother in-law will be close by which will be great! Our families will be much closer to us. We have old friends that we are VERY excited to re-connect with. But at the same time, it is still a very emotional moment in time.

As much as I have disliked this duty station we have loved it as well. I will miss those we are living behind, but I am excited to meet those new people that will become part of our lives. Those we leave behind are close to their own new adventures. Life in the military never stays the same for long. Like they always say if you don’t move, your friends do.

So onward bound to our new adventure! Moving with a toddler so far so good…but the jury is still out.

Good bye Virginia, Hello South Carolina.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ten years

I am not a big celebrity bogger. I really am not “huge” into reality TV. But of course, I too was sucked in by the Jon and Kate episode that played out last night. After 10 years of marriage and 8 kids, they are calling in quits.

It made me think what all can really happen in a period of time that in some instances sounds short, and in others long.

10 years ago, I had just graduated high school. Was preparing to start college and all the wonderfulness that surrounded that. My boyfriend was not the guy I married, was a year older then I was, yet was entering his senior year of high school. (I skipped a year, and he had a late b’day but still to this day it cracks me up).

I think about 10 years ago from today and think man that really was a while ago! In the past 10 years I have had 4 career changes, lived in 5 states, totaled 4 cars, bought 7 cars, got married, had a baby, bought a house, selling a house, attending grad school, received my real estate license, opened a Myspace page, got a facebook page, canceled myspace, watched 2 of my sisters graduate high school, 1 graduate college and grad school, watch my brother graduate 8th grade and now watching him be recruited by college’s to play football, lost people I loved, meet so many new people I couldn’t keep count, developed new frenimes, made 3 best friends for life, sent my husband out to sea for 6+ months twice, ect. But then I sit here and think to myself, 10 years was really not a long time. All of that feels like it happened yesterday.

10 years from now I will have a child in the 7th grade! Seriously! That is nuts! In 10 years I will be closer to 40 then to 35, which is farther away right now then being 20. I will have been married for 14, have a 12 ½ year old, my dog Tessa will more then likely be on her last leg at 14, my parents will be in their 60’s, my grandparents in their 80’s, my baby brother will be the age I am now! I will have my 20 year high school reunion…..

Watching last night's episode just made me think how fast things can change. 10 years sounds like a lifetime, but passes in a blink of an eye.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mommy, I pooped Again

Someone is So ready to use the potty!

Now if I could just get him to sit on the dang blasted thing!

Nothing is more flattering then walking into a store, 4 inch spike heels and work suit still on, 2 ½ year old who refuses to sit in the cart because “I wanna walk with you” is the cool thing to do, and your child announces all of Target that he has once again, for the 3rd time since you got off work, pooped.

Talk about the looks you get. Talk about the looks you really get when you don’t head straight to the bathroom to change him! Seeing as you do not have a Diaper bag with you because you are literally running in for some panty hose, and a gallon of Milk.

Oh the Joys.

I personally loved the woman behind me, who said, “mam, didn’t your son just tell you he pooped”. My response, “Yes”. Then the woman’s says “Well are you going to do something about it”. Me “sure am, as soon as I get home, is that ok with you?” I though the 16 year old boy was about to pee in his pants he was laughing so hard. I seriously wanted to smack the b*tch. I mean, yea he said he has pooped, but really I can’t smell it, we are in the check out line, obviously I am leaving. It wasn’t like there was poo coming down the kids leg and I was just standing there holding him!

Come to find out, he hadn’t even pooed. Apparently he just likes to tell me this now so I will change his diaper because he has decided this is a fun pass time!

Thank goodness the move is just around the corner! Because when it gets here it is Potty Training TIME!

T minus 8 days and counting!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breast Feeding: History, Facts, Advantages & Disadvantages

It only takes about 2 minutes for someone to Google the benefits of breast milk. The search engine will return with more sites, articles, and archives, then one person could ever read about the positive effects of breast milk for both the mother and the child. Research has been extensive on the subject for the past 50 years as things in our daily lives morph into what people of the past could have never fathomed. Although there are still not flying cars, purple aliens, or silver space suits, anyone would have to admit, A LOT has changed. And that change holds true with breastfeeding.

The common place assumption that you will breastfeed disappeared in the late 50’s and early 60’s with the development of Formula. Although formula had been commercially produced since 1867 by Justus von Liebig, it didn’t really become popular or believed safe for all children, till then. Right along with Birth Control and the Tampon it was probably one of the greatest developments that effected woman’s health in the 20th century. All of a sudden a woman who still couldn’t get her own name on a Charge Card (no such thing as a credit card yet) could “choose” how she would feed her child. Just like with all new developments in the beginning it was believed that for sure it was better then breast milk and it was pretty much the fashionably thing to do. Most middle class and wealthy woman switched to formula while the poor communities continued to breast feed. What is interesting is how that will change with time. I will discuss that in a later blog. (socioeconomic status and how it effects breast feeding)

With decisions galore to be made when you become a Mother, deciding to breast feed will be one of the most difficult and challenging not only to make, but to also perform. The decision for each person is different. Even Dr’s are spread across the board on what is the best for every child. All the studies you goggled will be full of Facts that prove the benefits of breast milk, however they will be full of inconsistency in the time frame that they all offer. From 6 weeks all the way to 24 months each study shows different advantages to the longevity of breast feeding. Most studies show little to no advantages after 6-8 weeks old. Some studies show results that are hard to determine such as your child’s IQ or Obesity Prevention. Each advantage and disadvantage will mean more to each woman making the discussion on what to do with their child. Whether you choice to breastfeed exclusively, pump exclusively, a mix of bottle and breast, supplement with formula, or exclusively formula feed. Every mother should read up on breast milk, breastfeeding, and formula LONG before the baby comes.

Some of the advantages to keep in mind when making your decision to breastfeed:
It is Free!
It is covenant, no running out or pre making bottles
Different taste~ your milk changes with what you eat.
You! It is proven to help restore your body to pre-preggo state as well as burns upwards of 500 additional calories a day.
Immunities- the baby receives many of your immunities against disease and minor infections.
Natural- Every mammal out there does it.
Many test show it helps with future Obesity, faster brain development, better eye sight, and a long list of additional benefits. (however these have not been studied as thoroughly and results vary drastically by study)
Bonding with your new born.
Ease of when and where you can feed, middle of the night! No problem! You can be half asleep and feed your child.
It is the way we were developed, it is the oldest and longest standing, therefore is the only 100% ALL NATURAL option

It is not convenient if you are not comfortable feeding anywhere or don’t want to pump
Some babies have a harder time latching on then others.
More frequent feedings.
You have to watch what you eat just as you did while you were pregnant.
You may not produce enough and may have to substitute with Formula anyway.

Advantages of Formula
It is sold in 3 different forms and multiple sizes
Comes in different formulas for baby’s with reflux, gas, or lactose intolerance
Is 100% covered by WIC, and Off Brands are the same thing
Can be purchased with a slew of different additives and purchased pretty much anywhere.

Expensive, if not covered by WIC
Is chemically produced and contains lots of additives
Each made bottle is no good after 1 hour or, one day in the fridge where as breast milk is good for 8 hours, 1 week in the fridge, 1 month in the freezer, and up to 12 months in a deep freeze.
Can once opened must be used in 7 days
Smells Terrible

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Black Market Breast Milk

I am not really sure what to say about an article I read today on I am Pro Breastfeeding. I am a firm believer that it is the best option for your new child. It is the best for immunity, brain growth, and a whole slew of other advantages, not to mention much more cost effective.

However, that does not change my SHOCK! Utter shock! That woman are buying breast milk on the black market!

I truly feel for the woman out there who want nothing more then to breast feed their child.

Having done so with my son, it is definitely a bonding experience that can be replaced by nothing else. It was satisfying to know that after 9 months of providing for this little person that you made, that you can continue to do so, continue to help grow that little person.

But breastfeeding is tough! It is one of those things that no one talks about. I was shocked! After my son was born at the pain that was first associated with breast feeding. Of the constant feedings and always having a boob on demand. I had the best pump on the market, the Mendela Pump-in style, but pumping isn’t all it is cracked up to be. The gorging of your breast the first few days as your milk production settles in.

Don’t get me wrong I plan to do it again, but at the same time I think it is one of the hardest things about becoming a new mom.

Which is why I think I was so surprised that people buy it on the black market….from people they do not even know! I would never! Put something in my child’s body that I knowingly didn’t know if it was safe!

There are all kinds of banks that sell milk, and even banks that provide it to hospitals for babies in the NICU, but that milk has been processed. Breast milk can transmit all different types of diseases. HIV for one! Breast Milk is great, but risking your child of exposure to an incurable disease is not worth it! The benefits of breast milk do not outweigh the risk of black market milk! For me, I look at all the great options we have today and think of how fortunate we are. How lucky we are that formula has been developed. That it is a safe and good alternative for mothers who cannot breast feed your child. That we have a country that supplements mothers who do not have the financial means to purchase the formula through the WIC program so that there children receive the proper nutrition. Look at all the different kinds of formula we have out there! The advantages and the comfort it can offer to parents who’s children are lactose intolerant, or who have acid reflux, I mean we are Truly lucky people!

This article has enticed me to write a few blogs about Breast Feeding, so my next few may be all about that. Read the article. It is not some third world country; it is people here in the US! Paying $1.90 for half an ounce of breast milk!

Breast Feeding is making a comeback here in the states, but to me not necessarily in the right way.,2933,525527,00.html

Stay Tuned for:
Breastfeeding: For & Against
Breastfeeding Social Pressures and Socioeconomic Conditions
Breastfeeding and the Working Mom
Breastfeeding Tips and Supplies
What no one told you about Breastfeeding
What to do if Breastfeeding Isn't for You/your Baby
(some of these may be consolidated)

This section has been posted poned till further notice...I am just not feeling the calling for Breast Feeding at the moment. If you have questions...just email =) 6/22/09

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What every New Mommy needs

Lately I have had a battery of friends get preggo! Lots of fun and since most are having Girls; I am having a BLAST with the shopping! Girl stuff is so much cutier! Although God new what he was doing when he gave me a boy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, I have been getting the same emails about the same things from them about what they need (Although most of my Navy friends have kids, none of Junior League friends do, and only a few of my friends from college do, but none of them know each other). So I promised them (although they don’t make themselves followers of my blogs…you know who you are =) that I would post something on here about the things I think you must have! And what I think you should pass on!

So here you go…..

The Top Must Haves for a new Mom!!!

Cradle Swing (don’t waist your money on anything else)
Excersaucer (if you ever want to shower in the house from 4 m- 1 ½ when no one else is home)
NUK nipple (just me, but if you plan to breast & bottle, it’s the best to avoid nipple confusion)
Snap-n-go stroller
Munchkins Formula Holder
MENDELA dual breast pump (don’t waist your money just buy this one I promise)
Diaper Genie II
Pack n Play (exp if you travel a lot or do not have friends with kids)
Johnson's & Johnson's Breast Pads (for mom)
SPANX (for mom)
Booster Seat (they have ones that convert for infants, are around $30 and take up NO SPACE)
Convertible Crib
Baby Bjorn Carrier (ability to carry on back and stomach)
SNACK TRAPS! (trust me best invention of the 21st century)


Jogging Stroller (although make sure yours has a collapsible front wheel)
Jonny Jump up or Jumparoo
Leap Frog Learn and Grove Musical Table
Bouncy Seat (Kaje didn’t use one, but my friend Amy’s daughters both liked it)
Bumbo Seat (same thing as the Bouncy Seat for us)

What to Skip

Travel System (big, bulky, and expensive)
Baby Einstein Video’s (most kids I know were not interested in TV till they were older)
High Chair (buy a booster half the price, and half the space)
Bassinet (unless you have a family heirloom use the pack in play, they won't stay in it long)
Baby Swaddle Carrier (most babies like to see what is going on)
Grocery Cart/High Chair Cover (just something extra to cart around, and you will like twice)
Walker (they tell you not to get them anyway)
Boppy Pillow (and if you do get one, you won’t use it for its original use)
Wipe Warmers/Bottle warmer (if you do, go with the Parents Choice at Wal-Mart)
Changing Table (buy a dresser, put a changing mate on top, tada!! functional furniture)
Toys (trust me people will buy them for you =) )

I am sure there are many things I left off the list, or things you disagree on, but that is my opinion =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mamma Mia, Here we go again! My My…

Yay! It is summer time and so great to be outside all the time! My hubby and I have worked the past 3 years on our house just to put it on the market 3 weeks ago. Kind of sad to work just to sell it and not enjoy it one bit! The house has been showing like crazy! So needless to say it has been good we have been out of town as much as we have because getting out of the way is very frustrating all weekend! Especially last Saturday when we had 2 extra little ones with us! But a trip to the park filled the time, tired out the kids, and our Realtor was told by the showing agent that the people LOVED the house so we praying for an offer =)

However not much of that has to do with Kaje…

Mamma Mia! Is what I said to myself last night when my child sat on the potty and went to the bathroom!!! No clue why! I didn’t ask! I didn’t say anything! Heck it was 11:30 at night! He had been in bed since 8. I heard him call me and he said he pee pee…but his diaper was dry. He got very agitated that I wouldn’t change him, so I was just going to go ahead and change a clean diaper. (We plan to go into FULL SCALE potty training the 1st of next month, I will have some time on my hands seeing as I will be unemployed). Well he gets up and starts walking to my room. He is drowsy and sleepy and I am just like please don’t pee on the new hardwood floor…

He walks right into our bathroom, sits on his little potty, and pees. A LOT! Got to say, I am not a fan of cleaning that little potty out! But I was in shock and seeing as it was 11:30 at night, I had no one to call to tell about it! Heck I haven’t even told my husband yet because he is in SC looking for a place for us to live. Needless to say, this morning I figured what the heck, lets start now with the potty why wait? We know he is read. Every time he goes to the bathroom he tells you about it. Nope. He screamed and screamed and screamed. He wanted nothing to do with that little potty and stood right there next to it and peed. I tried to get him to at least shoot it toward the potty or sit down or anything…well you can imagine how that went, and lets just say my pj’s will be washed in hot water tonight. Then I told him, see the mess? That is why we pee pee in the potty, and his response…no lie!

No mommy you make a mess! I wanted a Diaper!!!!

So here we go again! This will be our second bought with using and not using the potty. At about 11 months he started using the potty ALL THE TIME! Except at night when he was asleep. We never took him out of diapers because we were in SHOCK that he was using the potty all the time. Day Care he didn’t all the time, or at other homes, ok well maybe not all the time but at our house he did. Then we went to my moms for Christmas and that has pretty much been that for the last year and a half. So needless to say…..

Here we go again! Only this time, when we stop he will be potty trained!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Bed Time Battle: Take 2,3,4....9, 10,11,..almost there!

Take 2:

With Saturday Nights ultimate failure on getting K to go to bed. Sunday we introduced a new approach. I had forgotten that in the beginning days of K sleeping in the toddler bed we use to put two baby gates up. One on top of the other. He could climb over just the one, and with the stairs I just feared he would get out and no one would hear him and down the stairs he would go. So the new plan was to go back to the old plan.

2 Gates it is!

This was not well received. He cried, kicked, and finally crashed and went to sleep at the door of his room. For fear of waking him we let him stay there through the night. Such a terrible feeling to listen to your child cry and just stand in the other room trying to hold yourself back from going in there.

Take 3-9:

The 2 gate thing was too heart wrenching for me. With the house officially on the market now we have to stay on top of all the cleaning, so I persuaded the hubby to help me finish the laundry while we put K down. We could complete the folding and hanging in the guest room, which is right next to K’s room. Let him know we will be close by, but not have to listen to the crying. It breaks my heart.

It went well the 1st night. We were in the guest room and he only got out of bed a few times. I got the added bonus of having someone help me with the mounds of laundry…it is amazing how much my laundry level goes up with the husband at home. We will have to have a talk about that sometime soon. The next week of this plan was better but not perfect. He would get up and yell for me or his daddy. We would walk in the room and lay him back down to bed. After about an hour of the up –down up- down he would finally give way and not be able to get up that one last time. The major downfall to this was that he was still getting up at around 1 or 2 am and doing the whole back and forth thing again…

Take 10 & 11: One More Kiss Mommy

So the threatening with the 2nd baby gate definitely works. K hates the 2nd gate going on top of the 1st gate so much that if you just tell him you are going to do it he starts to get upset. Not that I like to make my child upset, but at the same time I need to sleep as much as he does!

However, he has a new trick. He comes to the door and calls for you, you go in all prepared to tell him to get back in bed, and he says in that little cute boy voice “one more kiss mommy”. How do you say no? So then you help him back into bed, tell him again if he gets out you are going to put the 2nd gate up. He says yes mam and you leave. The frequency is starting to slow. Now only about 3-4 back and forth trips and he will be out for the night. He has also gone down to just 1 middle of the night interruption. I think it is really sleep walking. I did that when I was younger. He gets up and asks for you and kind of stumbles around, but what I have found is that whether I pick him up and put him back in bed with me, or put him back in his bed, either way he goes back to sleep. I just need to be sure I am coherent enough to make sure I put him back in his bed. After 2 ½ years of bringing him to our bed…sometimes I just walk back to our room out of habit.

Almost there:

Last night we went to bed at 9pm! Read a book, climbed in, hugged mommy and daddy, only got out of bed once and stayed there. K awoke at 5:45 am and I put him in bed with us, to tell you the truth at that point there is no use fighting it. We both have to be out of bed soon anyway so you might as well put him in your bed. Then he sleeps while you get ready which makes the morning go much smoother. But whoooo….I am hoping that we are finally through this and I pray that with the pending move it doesn’t start back up.

On a side note, the hubby and I have decided for sure that although we always though a Queen sized bed would be large enough, it most certainly is not and we will be upgrading to a King as soon as we can!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Bed Time Battles

As a parent I expected it to be difficult. I knew there would be challenges. I know there are worse things I will have to over come as a Mom later down the line. But, I must say that right now, Bedtime is the Battle at the Home front these days.

My son was a dream to put to bed. My mother was astonished when she came to visit in March. Then In-laws were amazed when they were here in December. Me, I just assumed all kids did this. I would take my bounding bundle of joy upstairs and we would follow our nightly routine. Teeth brushed, puppy in hand, blanket tag in hand (whole other blog, but basically my son rubs the tag in between his two fingers as he sleeps), pick out a book for me to read and a book for him, halfway through the story we would switch books leading me to paraphrase the new book as he always picks out a Disney book that is about 30 pages long and takes 20-30 minutes to get through. We would say our good nights, give each other a kiss, he would wave bye bye, I would shut the light out and that would be all I would hear of him till 4 or 5 am, at which point it is too late to battle and I would just put him in bed with me for the remaining time I had to sleep before work.

It was great. Blissful even. Like a clock where the arms go round everyday just the same as the day before.

Then, as the Big Steel Stick known as CVN-71 pulled up pier side in Norfolk, unbeknown to me, a gust of wind blew past my little man and took with him the ability to go to bed without a tragic fight.

It all began about 2 weeks before my husband return. K wouldn’t go to sleep with the lights off anymore. I had talked to his sitter about one of the older boys telling him scary stories and about monsters and asked for her to watch out for that. A child who has no fear all of a sudden telling me that Dragondaurs (yes Dragon + Dinosaur) lives under his bed. Seeing as we have no books and/or toys and/or movies about either of these beings I can only assume that it is another lovely thing he picked up at Day Care, along with a cold or a new knot on his head.
As much as I disliked it, I could handle the light thing. Kids go through stages and we have the light dimmers, so I would just dim the light all the way down and when I went to bed shut it off. The rest of the routine stayed the same.

Well until Daddy entered the equation again.

It is partly my fault for humoring a 2 year old. And I am hoping partly the fault of the US Navy for taking my husband away for 222 days to protect the rights of a seemingly unappreciative American population. Whatever the reason, K no longer wanted to go to bed alone. I humored him by sitting at the end of the bed while he drifted to sleep. It gave me some quite time as well and gave me an opportunity to read my book (Twilight…not sure if I am hooked yet, but it is a good read). After about 15-20 minutes I could exit the room with no resistance. I should have never honored this request. I should have known it would be my ultimate doom.

After two weeks of this edge of the bed sitting he was no longer falling asleep. Rather every attempt you would make to get up he was wide eyed and bushy tailed like he hadn’t been laying down, seemingly snoring for the past 20 minutes. It was frustrating and tiring. I should have known that he would see how much more he could get away with. So the battle begins…

Saturday night was the 1st official battle. I pronounced myself to him as the winner before things really even go going. Up and down, back and fourth to bed. Over the baby gate to the hallway the little feet would run every 10 minutes or so. I resolved myself to sit just outside the door. Made it quicker to get him to bed. Then as the furry within me started to boil over after 2 hours of this, spanking was introduced. Up and down, back and fourth, crying, screaming, telling me to get my book and sit with him. Then I decided I couldn’t spank him anymore. My heart was no longer able to stand it…so to time out we went. He would cry in the corner then come and say he was sorry. I would ask if he was ready to go to bed and he would say yes. We would get upstairs and he would ask me to get the book and sit with him. No I would say you have to go to bed, do you want to go back to the corner? The response was always yes. Finally at 2 am he fell asleep in the corner. This was a bad idea on my part. The second I took him upstairs he was awake and wanted me to stay. I laid him down and fell asleep on the floor in his room. The little stinker won!!

More to tell…stay tuned!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

2 Mom’s, a restaurant + 2 kids x 2 years old + an infant =’s???

A very short dinner and now I know why carry out was invented!

I am not sure if you could always call a restaurant and order from the menu and pick it up to go. I don’t know if this is a relatively new development, or if you have always been able to do it, my family just never did. I will say however, that it was a development of PURE GENIUS and whoever came up with it deserves a Nobel Peace Prize, because not having crazy kids in restaurants is a plus for EVERYONE involved!

I have never frowned or huffed at people with kids that get loud while you are dinning out. Maybe that was because for a good part of my life I was sitting at the table making all the noise, as the one thing my parents seem to be able to communicate on is the ability to procreate. Or maybe it was because I knew one day I would be that person. That person with the fleeting look on their face who just left work, is exhausted, just wanted to catch up with an old friend and yet their child is being a complete pain. Whatever the reason, I am glad I never made snighed remarks because I am 110% that person now!

Last night I meet up with A at the local watering whole (Chili’s). Bar/Grills are by far the best place to take small kids because they are already loud and serve alcohol to the patrons who despise the kids that are there. Her 2 girls M & A were with as well as my little Kaje, so already we were out numbered. Dinner started off great. We caught up. Her hubby is in DC, she is penciled for a ship in VA, worst case they go to Cali for a few years but she is close to her fam, but they won’t know for sure for a year. I chat about the BIG secrets we have going on at home (there are 2 yes I said 2). The drinks arrive, the kids enjoy coloring, we order dinner and continue conversation in between the constant dropping of the crayons which has me doing more squats then I did the night before at the gym. We both agree secret 1 will more then likely be a non issue. If it is it will be ok and there is still enough time to come up with plans. Secret 2 will be squeaking out any day now. It still needs to stay under wraps for at least another 4 weeks. Only 2 people besides family know what is going on and as long as the hubby can keep his mouth shut it should stay that way until the official announcement has been made. Kids burgers are at the table, enjoy their fries with some ketchup and ranch, the crayon dropping has stopped thank goodness! However baby A (the infant) does not want to sit in her seat and now would like her mom to hold her. Chatter resumes about pig flu, how we feel about pig flu, inside jokes about the pig flu. Politics and our disgust with them, our hubbies leave time, Busch Garden tickets, meeting up this weekend and cooking out with the kids and the hubbies.

Break in silence is loud and daunting. Kids are no longer happy, adult food has still not arrived. Waiter returns with adult food, kids are again satisfied with eating my dinner instead of their own. A is having a difficult time balancing baby and easting Buffalo Mini Sandwiches. I am scarffing down my salad as I know it is only a matter of minutes before the kids are dissatisfied with being here and there is no consoling them. Waiter asks “how is everything”, our response in unison, Great! Can we get 2 to go boxes and the checks? His utter confusion confirms our suspicions that he is new to the service industry…Welcome to what is fashionably known as the mommy get away! Be prepared next time you see us coming! M is content, Kaje wants out of the high chair! Fat chance of that happening. This boots may have been made for walking, but chasing is not part of their job description tonight. Bills are paid. Food is packed. Kids are loaded and out the door in 5.0 minutes…..ahh peace and quiet in the restaurant!!! It will not last long as we passed a new group of mom’s on their way in with more toddlers then parental hands.

Conversation continues on facebook. You know, the grownup way to communicate! Next time we will order the food and meet at one the houses =) Plans are set for this weekend, have a great night!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Keep your Own 2 cents!

If there is one thing that I have learned as a mother, it is that everyone has their opinion. I am one to talk! I probably have more opinions than just about anyone else I know! However, it seems to me that more people feel the “need” to share their opinion after you have a child.

I get that everyone “knows a trick” that always worked for their kids. Key word being their kids. Everyone child is different. Heck, my mother had 4 you would think she would know exactly what to do. I was 10 when my brother came along, and trust me, she didn’t always know exactly what to do even though she had already done in 3 times.

One of my best friends just had her first baby last week. Trust me, I worry about it her. Love her to death, but I worry about her a lot. She is kind of one of those people who you try to explain things to, but at the same time you know it goes in one ear and out the other. But, since you care about them you keep telling them anyway. That being said, I definitely still tell her my opinions and give her advice, but at the same time I know how stressful it is to be a new mom. Scared that everything you do is going to screw up your child for the rest of their life. That if they have food too soon they will be allergic, or if they have trouble with milk they will be lactose intolerant, or that if the pull up or stand on their feet when you are holding them they will be bow legged, and about a million other fears out there that every new mom experiences.
With all of the change with in your marriage, the addition of a new baby, all the new frustration and sleepless nights, why I ask, why does anyone feel that they have the right to tell a new mother what to do unless it is detrimental to the babies health and it is a MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL telling you what to do?

My BF’s SIL (sister in law) is a b*tch. If they had an Olympic sport for b*tchyness she would win the gold medal every year. I have never cared for this woman. Not one bit! She knows everything! No one else knows how to do things, and the way she does them is the only way to do them. Well, I got news for her, after this past week she had better never run into me in a dark ally because I am sick of the way she makes my BF feel. BF is too sweet and non-confrontational to say anything, and unfortunately seems to be a trait she and her husband share so that poor little kid is going to be one of two things, either the same way they are, or exactly 180 degrees different which will be a major shocker!

BF’s baby is slightly jaundice. No big deal, no need for lights or anything, just a few extra Dr visits and some sitting in front of the window at home. Heck a little Vitamin D from the Sun light is good for everyone. Well, the poor little thing has lost over a pound since she was born, and her jaundice levels didn’t seem to be dropping as quickly as the pediatrician would like, so they asked my BF to supplement with formula. Now given the horrendous experience my hubby and I had in the hospital I was too stressed to breast feed and my son was supplemented with formula his whole 1st 6 months. I breast feed and he had formula just fine. I am a firm believer that breast feeding is what is best for your child, however it doesn't work for everyone and sometimes your child may need more food then you can produce. I actually feel as though nwe are lucky to have such a safe and wonderful option!

1 hour after getting home from the hospital with their new baby, my BF’s SIL and family show up. 1 hour people! They probably hadn’t even unloaded the car. BF went to the nursery to feed the baby and she did just as the Dr told her. She breast feed for 10-15 minutes and then pulled out some formula and made sure she drank at least an oz. You would have thought the world was coming to an end! Her SIL stormed out of the room and right up to her husband and told her what a terrible thing she was doing! How BF was going to ruin her child and that this was just a terrible terrible thing and he needed to make it stop! Remember, this is the same woman that opted to have a c-section both times…seems a little hypocritical doesn’t it? Forget the fact that the following day when they went into the Dr office the baby has gained 4 1/2 oz's and her jaundice levels seem to be going down. The pediatrician would like them to continue breast feeding and the formula, all the while the know-it-all SIL says "Well I disagree and think you 2 are making a big mistake!" Then she and her husband preceded to walk out to their vehicle and undo the car seat from the middle of the car and latch it up behind the drives seat! Now, you don’t need to be a rocket scientist to know that this is not the best place for your child. A left side impact to the car could be devastating, so could a right side, which is why they tell you (and this is even in the instructions when you hook up a car seat) to put the rear facing car seat in the MIDDLE!!!! The SIL said that because she only have 4 latches in the back seat that she was only to set the child on one of the two sides. I found this very interesting seeing as I am the one who hooked up the car seat in the first place. I hooked it up the same way the Fire Chief in Virginia Beach Virginia hooked it into my truck, where I too only have 4 latches. I guess all of us out there who put 3 children in the back of SUV's are breaking the law becasuse there are only 4 latches in teh back seat, forget the fact that there are 3 child retraint ancors behind ever head rest for the forward facing car seat...which oh by the way would use the same latches in the seat! But I guess her SIL who is a stay at home mom, has recently graduated Med School and become a pediatrician as well as become a child safety seat inspector un be known to anyone.

Just as an FYI there is nothing wrong with offering a new mom advice. You never know, it may help. Just keep in mind that your advise should always be just that, advice. You should never scold someone or tell them they are “ruining” their child because what they decide to do is different from what you decide to do. Remember even Dr. Spock who everyone thought was the expert on raising children didn’t get everything right, which would be why no one reads his books anymore =) Being a parent is all about trial and error and their is already enough stress involved without your 2 cents!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Eeewwwo Bugs!

Boys are great! They love their mommy’s. They can get hurt and don’t care. Blood is a cool thing. And they don’t mind getting dirty (well as long as it isn’t his hands anyway). But Bugs, the whole bug thing, just grosses me out.

Last week Kaje made a Bug Jar at the babysitter. Now you would think a 2 year old would not quite understand what to do with a bug jar. You would be mistaken.

Last weekend we filled it with whatever he dug up. Huge earthworms, a few rolly pollies, a bug I am pretty sure was dead when he picked it up, but whatever. I got a lot of yard work done, and he was continent.

The jar is not the problem. I can handle the jar. You simply wait till the child isn’t looking, walk to the back of the garden, and dump the jar out. The problem is everything in between. Some worms he will get himself, sometimes I have to do it. Some bugs he will scoop in to the jar himself, but then he wants to touch it again, guess who has to dig in and pull it back out? That would be me!

I am not scared of bugs, nor do they make me shriek and I know they will not hurt me. Thing is, they give me the heebie geebies. You know that hair raising feeling you get when someone takes their nails across a chalkboard? That feeling. Ugk. Its just Ugk.

Oh well, for now I will just have to “get it Mommy” as the little voice next to me says, and be thankful that he didn’t run in the street while I was doing yard work.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I Believe in God/Christ/Jesus…and pretty much any other name.

Today I read a Blog on, that I loved. Although not directly associated to my life as a mother, God and Christ do play a big part in our life and the way we chose to raise our family. I am not a bible beater, never have been. I have never been one of those who shoves my Christianity in others faces. I believe. I have always believed in a greater power, and that someone else was responsible for everything we have here on earth.

When I read this blog, I just fell in love with it. The writer possesses the ability to explain things that many Christians think and feel about all the time in an eloquent way. Because of this, I have posted his blog below.

Whatever your positions or feeling are I urge everyone to seek their beliefs for themselves. You may find that what you did, or didn’t believe in may or may not be what you thought it was. I know for me, I studied many religions for several years at the urging of my parents. I always came back to Christianity.

But for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.

Ten Reasons I Believe In God
By Bill ShulerPastor, Capital Life Church, Arlington, Virginia
1. An innate sense of right and wrong came from somewhere.
2. The universe is far too organized and intricate to have come about by chance.
3. Seeing chimps doesn’t compel me to organize a family reunion.
4. Anyone who has witnessed a baby’s birth will attest to miracles.
5. He has appeared in history.
6. There must be a reason the heart hungers for truth.
7. People since ancient times have sought Him.
8. People since ancient times have found Him.
9. I see Him in the lives of those who forgive.
10. I spoke with Him this morning.
The major questions of life demand a verdict. Where did I come from? Is there more to life than what I am experiencing? Does God exist? The Bible says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Joys of Motherhood

When you are pregnant, everyone tells you all the great stuff that will happen to you when the baby comes! How full of love you will be and the overwhelming since of happiness that will follow the birth of your child. How exciting life will become. And all kinds of other wonderful sediments.

For some reason, everyone leaves out the CRAP! Latterly the crap that comes with motherhood.

Take away the fact that no one tells you what REALLY happens when you get pregnant or have a baby. For some reason everyone who gave birth before the year 2000 LOVED being pregnant. I don’t think until we entered the new century people were allowed to dislike pregnancy. Don’t get me wrong, it was amazing to feel my son move, to know that part of my husband and my myself was being made by the miracle of God. But take that away and that was pretty much all I liked! I literally threw up from 7-7 for 9 months, my son dropped in the 4th month and sat head down on my pelvic bone causes major back spasms and emins pain just to walk. For some unknown reason, several of my best friends decided to get married in my last trimester, one I was in the wedding and looked like a Giant piece of brown dog poo, and the other I stepped out sort of last minute, but still went to the wedding. 14 hours in the car 4 weeks before you give birth is HELL on your ankles.

Take pregnancy aside and forgive everyone who lied to you about how wonderful it was or how easy labor was. Because in all fairness, it is totally worth all the pain and suffering. However, I will still cry and call my mom after days like the following.

On Saturday, after a wonderful week long visit from my mom and narnia (which is apparently Kaje’s new name for Aunt Natalee) we drove to the other side of the water to drop them at the airport. Earlier in the day when he woke up he told my mom and I he was sick. Well seeing as he is 2, we just shrugged it off. Kids his age learn new words and want to use them all the time, yet don’t always use them in the right context. Case-n-point this week his thing has been to tell you “I not done” yet he will hand you and empty yogurt, or not have been doing anything at all. So, I head off to work that morning and my sister and mom pack up, straighten the house, and get ready for me to get home. We are going to take Kaje to the new Jumping place by the house (one of those indoor inflatable play parks, super fun). They had taken him earlier in the week and wanted to take him one more time before they left, and since their flight wasn’t till late we figured we would go on over. He played, but not as hard as he usually does. After about 45 minutes he came up and climbed in my lap and put his head on my chest, something my child NEVER does. We figured he was just tired from a long week of playing hard all day with my sister and staying up till 10 pm. So off to the airport we went.
We made it through the tunnel in record time and decided to get some dinner before heading to the airport. We drove around for a few minuets to see what was in the area before deciding to eat at Ruby Tuesday. Maybe not the best food, but there is never a wait and we could get in and out pretty quickly. Just as we u-turned (yes that is legal here in VA) to head back to the restaurant I see projectile vomit spewing from my child. All over my sister, all over himself, all over the truck. I am in the far left lane of a 5 lane road. I am screaming at my sister to get him out of the car seat. My son has a record of chocking on everything and I can see his face is turning the purply red color it gets when he is chocking (yes this is a regular occurrence which is why when we have baby sitters he is not allowed to eat anything while we are gone). My sister is screaming that she can’t because the car seat buckles are too tight, well hello I don’t want him flying out of the seat if we get in an accident. Like any normal mother with a chocking child in the back seat I am rolling down widows flagging people to get out of may way, honking the horn, slamming across 5 lanes of traffic as quickly as I can. Pull in the 1st parking lot I can get the vehicle in, slam it in to park and have me kid out of the car seat, flipped upside down, in a matter of minuets. Forget the fact that I too am now covered in vomit. Once we are breathing again, we are vomiting again. Just our luck we are in a Target parking lot. Natalee runs in to get herself and my son some new clothes, my mom goes into the Taco Bell for some garbage bags ( to bag all the clothes up), I strip my kid and his car seat of pretty much everything they have on and get to whipping things down with whatever I can find, plus wipes. Oh the joys. After everyone is cleaned up and changed we of course decide against dinner and head to the airport. Since we still have over an hour and a half till their flight leaves we decide we will grab something to eat at the dinner inside. I drop mom and Natalee at the door to get checked in and Kaje and head to park. Once we get in and order he turns to me and says, Mommy I pee pee. Ok, I say back. We are potty training so he likes to tell you a lot he has gone to the potty when he hasn’t or when he doesn’t need to, plus we are in a diaper so I am not too concerned. Well, I should have been. Then he looks and me and says, Mommy I yucky. Well this means poo, yes all the crap I was telling you about =) Well, lucky for me my mom forgot to put the wipes should used to clean his tennis shoes back into the diaper bag, then my child gets up ( he was playing on the side of the table that had a little bench in it and looking at all the airplanes) and he is socked. The new clothes are covered in pee, and what I guess is poo, but is defiantly yucky. So off the the bathroom we go.
Thank God for the new Family restrooms. At least when you are un prepared you can hid yourself from rolling eyes of others. I basically stood my child in a sink in the bathroom and washed him down. Put on a clean diaper and sat him in the stroller with his blankest wrapped around his legs so you didn’t know he wasn’t wearing any pants. Lucky for me we made it home before any more vomiting or explosive diapers, but the weekend was full of them.

On a side note. I will say that this was the 1st time EVER I was not fully prepared! My friend Amy has always made fun of me and my diaper bag which is usually loaded down with extra everything! I will now be going back to that. Even though it is bulky and annoying, at least I will have supplies!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So I apologize to all of you who I am sure are just DYING to know what Kaje and I have been up too. Life has been busy to say the least. And I seem to have had a tremendous amount of bad news in the past few months and think that my mind has been mostly per occupied with that.

We have been doing well though! 30 days and counting for Wes to get home! Lots and lots of work going on at the house in just the past 5 days! One upside to a down economy is that home improvement guys offer better rates for cash =) The past weekend I FINALLY got the hallway painted and all of the trim work done (we have only lived in the house for 3 years), the guest bath and guest bedroom have been repainted and all of the trim work has been finished in their as well and it looks AMAZING! My mom and I emptied out closets, cabinets, extra furniture, and took pictures off the wall, got it all packed up and moved into a storage unit to have the house look more staged and less personal. In this market it is all about the buyer. Last night we got the entry way and dinning room completely primed and the painter will be back on Saturday to pain it the same neutral color as the hall, guest room and bath which will help neutralize the house and make it feel larger. As much as I hated to paint over the green (which I am in LOVE with) I knew it would make the house feel lighter and larger, and it isn’t about what I want anymore. Not sure why people can’t see past paint colors but that seems to be an issue, so the more basic I am the better off we will be. Kaje’s room will stay green, the master bed and bath are a deeper tan then the hallway color, the den is a darker brown as well, so those will stay, and then you will just have the yellow in the kitchen. Hopefully all this work will be worth it! On Sunday I am getting a light in the Den! Not sure whose idea it was in the 70’s and 80’s to build houses without central lighting, but I feel strongly that they should be shot! Last summer we added central lighting to all the bedrooms and this will be the last room that needs it! So a HUGE advantage over other homes in the neighborhood and surprisingly enough, not that expensive to add =) The most exciting thing to come is that the last weekend in March I am paying someone to lay the rest of the hardwood floor in the master bedroom! Wes and I can do it for sure, but it takes a while, and what would take us all day, will take a professional 3-4 hours…and for $220 you just can’t beat it! $1 a sq ft! They will also be taking the carpet in the master bedroom and laying it on the stairs and hallway. For those of you who don’t know, I so graciously dumped a gallon of paint down my stairs about a year and half ago, so it will be nice to have that fixed! Then the 1st weekend in April the painter will be back doing some carpentry work. Wes’s carpentry skills have proven to be GREAT if you want your cabinets to withstand a hurricane, but not so great if you do not want to lift a 50 lbs drawer every time you need a fork. So I am going to have Harry put new bottoms in bottom cabinets and re-build that drawer for us as well as finish laying all the rest of the quarter round Wes didn’t get done before he deployed! It will be amazing! The only thing Wes and I should have left to do when he gets home is sod the backyard, and replace the sub floor and tile the guest bath. Sounds like a big job, but Harry told me if we had everything ripped out before he got there (which I am excitant at demolition) he could get the new sub floor down in about 2 hours costing me a whopping $40! And though I will NEVER tile a Kitchen again in my life! Bathrooms are not so bad, so I will be laying the last room of tile needed and we will be officially ready to be on the market!
It is amazing how much you can get accomplished with someone watching your 2 year old and a little money!

All about Kaje

I am not sure where he has learned it, or why it is just now coming about. But he has officially learned how to sass his mother. Not quite with words, but more with gestures and grunting noises that have proven to escalate over the past few weeks and reached a point of no return this week with BB and Aunt Nene in town. It should be fun to get that back in order when they leave here on Saturday. They say whatever you did to your parents you will get back twice as much with your children, I wish I had been a better kid, because we are in for some major attitude issues ( I am sure no one saw that coming LOL). Using the potty has again officially ceased to exist. We only want to use the potty for standing on and filling with water from the bathtub, both options I am not a fan of. Full force potty training will be taking place as soon as daddy is home to assist as well as must come about during daddy’s leave time as we must be fairly close to potty trained to start our new school in August. I love the new babysitter he has been at since December, however think he needs more structure now, so he will be attending full time preschool this fall with an extend hour program. So just half day of school and the rest will be free time, but I think 3-4 hours of solid structure will be good for him as he seems to flourish more in that environment.
Kaje has also grown his vocabulary by leaps and bounds over the past month. Almost always speaking in full phrases and sentences. Although grammar is not always used properly I am still often amazed and that words he puts together as well as how many he will use together to talk to you. I am hesitant to say he is advanced, because all parents think their kids are advanced, however according to most of what I have read it is not until you are 3 that you are speaking in phrase 80-90% of the time and at 4 your sentences should sound like an adult. I have been told by 2 speech pathologist that his articulation is definitely advanced, but I think most of his vocabulary and speaking in phrase has a lot to do with the fact that he is the only one at home with me, so I talk to him a lot more then I think the average toddle talks to their parent =)

Other then that we are great! Just looking forward to Daddy getting home, selling the house, finding a new job, and relocating to Charleston SC.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Playground Poser

Yesterday was my day off. Having a day off during the week is about the only upside to having to work Saturday’s again. I guess with this economy and all the other craziness going on out there, I should just be thankful I still have a job….so anyway, yesterday I had off. Kercher and I had a great day! It was so fun to pretend to be a stay at home mom, which I must say I think I could totally get use to although I never see myself actually getting to be one. And really I want to work, I just want a better schedule, hence taking classes for my ME.

Kercher and I started the day off with some giggling and an episode of Little Enstines. I let Kercher decide what he wanted for breakfast, so needless to say he had pepperoni, string cheese, and a hot dog. After all the morning fun we got ready to head to the Y. My stomach had not been feeling the best so I decided we would do errands before I hit a machine at the gym.

We started off completing our volunteer work for the day, which turned out to be rather educational. I had some donations to pick up for the JL Gala on the 22nd and one was from the Contemporary Arts museum of Virginia beach. The lady was in a meeting so they allowed the two of us to take a tour for free =) I am not huge on museums, although I do like to purchase art, so Kercher and I hopped in line behind a 4th grade class on a field trip and took the tour. It was actually a lot of fun. Till March 15th they are exhibiting on Virginia artists, which is kind of neat. Kercher had a big time pretending to be part of the class we were following and I got to learn a lot from the teacher LOL …never really been much of an art buff so it was fun =) It is only $3 with a military discount, so if you like art or doing stuff like that, it is a cool place to check out.

Afterwards we did the usual errands, bank, post office, Wal-Mart, hit Costco to order a Birthday cake for a friend, grabbed a few more donation items, and got some lunch at McDonalds on our way to the park. Kercher was so excited to see the park. He knew exactly where we were when we got to the corner to turn into Mt. Trashmore. He started screaming Park Park and telling me he was stuck because he was ready to get out of his seat and go play. We loaded up into the stroller and did the 3 mile walk first, since I hadn’t been to the gym yet and it was so nice out, windy, but beautiful, so why not take advantage of it. Kercher actually walked/ran about ¾ of a mile with me. It was so cute.

Once we were at the playground he played hard for a good hour and a half. It was almost like it was 2 yr old day. I sat at a table with several other moms that were there with their children, all which happen to be 2, as well as the fact that out of 6 I was the only one not holding on to a newborn. We talked about strollers and vaccines, preschools and diapers, sales and great places to get stuff for the kids. Had a snack time with all the little ones, and then sent them back to play. Talked about facebook and our husbands, and just generally had a good time. I never asked anyone’s name, and no one else did either, just a group of mom’s at the playground sharing useful information. When we all started to disperse several said if it is nice tomorrow we will be back. All of our kids had played so well together, no fights, no crying, just fun, we had commented on it several times. Sharing snacks, and ridding slides and swings together, not exactly typical when you get that many toddlers together. I reapplied, “Oh I wish we could, but I have to work”. They all just kind of looked at me like I was an alien. Judging by their styled hair and perfect makeup, BMW’s and Acura SUV’s and baby Bjorn they were all toting with their couch diaper bags I just said a word that was completely foreign to their way of life. I smiled and waved and said I had a great time and have a great rest of the day, as I put my kid into his non-designer stroller and headed off to my Ford Explorer.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

There are no words….

I think January 30, 2009 will be a date that will stand out in my mind forever. And not necessarily for the moments that I thought it would.

I thought I would blog about the amazing experience it was to be with Amy when she welcomed her 2nd little girl into the word, Ashlyn Bryanne (bri-Anne), how amazing it was just not to see the miracle of life, but also to be that up close to a real surgery that I have watched on Discovery health probably 100 times. I thought I would blog about that, and the amazing thing I just watched and took part of. I even thought I may talk about and always remember the crazy lady down on Granby that is always out there hoola-hooping. I am not sure why she is there, and what the purpose is, but she stands on the medium and hoola-hoops. She is not a child, she is an elderly lady, it is just strange. Never in my life did I ever think I would go through the type of emotional roller coaster I experienced this weekend.

From the highs of Amy’s new baby to the absolute lowest I think I have ever felt. On Friday evening my cousin Kendall, was tragically killed in a car accident. She was a senior at the University of Memphis and was on her way home from an Art Show through some heavy fog when she veered off the road and went down an 18 ft embankment (sorry that is so blunt, I don’t know how to word it nicely). She was not wearing her seat belt, although the state trooper didn’t believe that it would have made much of a difference judging by the severity of the damage to the car. The car rolled several times and was partially submerged in water. The only thankful thing about the accident was that she didn’t suffer. More then likely she was gone with the initial impact of the car.

I have never known anyone personally that died at such a young age. I have lost family member in the past but just grandparents and great grandparents and uncles…no one young. I went to school with kids who were killed in car accidents, and one that died in the log collapse at UT Austin in ’99, but I never really knew any of them. Although I was saddened that they had passed away there really wasn’t a connection. This, this was flat out shocking. To make it all the worse of a situation she has a 6 year old little girl who is with her all the time. She has spent very little time with her father, and her father is really not much to brag about, with no high school education or a job, he is just one of those guys that just gets by. Now what happens? Does he get to take her away from the family she has lived with her whole life? Do my uncle and aunt have to suffer the loss of her as well? I am praying that they do not. Kendall was in the process of taking Kaleigh’s dad to court over child support and visitation, so I am hopefully that they will see he has played little to no role in her life to date and that just because Kendall is gone doesn’t mean that he is the best place for her to go.

I have no words to explain what I feel. I know I hate Virginia. I hate that since Wes has left we have lost 4 family members in 5 months, 3 in the past 30 days. I hate that I could not be there with my family as they go through this. I hate that when something like this happens to someone around you, you can not help but put yourself in their shoes and think what if I die, what if that were me? I hate that I hadn’t gotten around to speaking with her since I was home for Thanksgiving, I hate in the past few years we hadn’t done much together when we were home. I hate that she is gone. That her daughter will only have a few memories of her. That she didn’t have a wedding day, or graduate from college. That all those children who she could have taught, will not have her as a teacher. I hate that she had a rough life. I hate the whole situation. 22 years is not a life time, it is not half a life, hell it isn’t a quarter of one. When I think of where I was when I was 22, it is like whipping out the last 5 years of my life…it just isn’t fair.

I know she is in a better place. I know time heals all pain. It is just serial to have experienced all of those different emotions, those extreme highs and those extreme lows, in such a short period of time.

Monday, January 26, 2009

I can not believe my Child is 2!

It feels like yesterday I called Wes at work and said I am in labor it is time to go! Not the best day of my life as far as that goes, but the actual getting to hold him part, most definitely was.

People always tell you time flies and I never really understood until we had Kercher. Time did fly before, but it didn’t seem to bother me as much as it does now. He is such an amazing little person. Everyday with him around is almost like a new adventure. What will he learn? What will he do? In my case will we go to the ER? It all just seems to be happening so fast.

Last year was rough for me. I am not really sure why, but Kercher turning one for me was very hard. I cried, and cried, and cried. I think it is because that is the day you have to admit that he is no longer a baby. Kercher had been walking for 4 months by then, off the bottle for 4 months, mumbling a few words, eating solid foods, but that day I had to say, he is a little boy. It was really tough, and as crazy as it sounds I kept seeing him graduate college. I know that is still 15 years away, but the fact of the matter is, in reality that is just not far enough.

Last night Amy and I had dinner at Applebee’s (not the best dinner we have ever had there, but that is neither here nor there) but she looked at me and said “when did they turn into little people”.? I said I don’t know, but they are just getting too big too fast!

It truly is amazing to watch him grow and turn into a little boy. All the sweet little things he does and says are just so amazing. I wish it would slow down, but since I can not make that happen, I will just continue to enjoy each and every day as they come and go. Pray for his safety and health. And wish for the best for him and his life. But it is still crazy to look at him and think I made that! Wes and I made that perfect little person.

I love you Kercher. And happy Birthday

Saturday, January 24, 2009

1st Rant of the year! 1/23/09

The article below is something I have feared for a long time. As my husband and most of my friends spouses sit in the middle of the Indian Ocean fighting for freedom for other nations I wonder what happens to us next? One of my mothers good friends Susan and her husband were still active duty Air force during the years of Clinton and she asked me when I was home last week how much longer we will be in the service. I told her a little over three years, and she responded “Good”. She told me how it took about 2 years after Clinton came in to start seeing the changes, but they were drastic when they came and they not only effected her husband, but her and her children as well. Susan talked to me about the decrease in health provisions and service’s for family members, how the Exchange’s (basically the Military Wal-Mart/Department Store) and the commissary (the grocery store) decreased in what they offered and often had very limited amounts of what they did offer. She talked about how when someone was at the either store if they had diapers they would call everyone they knew who may need them and would buy everyone’s sizes because they were almost always out. They dropped the ability to opt out of tri care prime (the ability for military dependents to see non military dr’s) in areas of large military populations, many of the services offered were discontinued, MWR facilities lost funding (military community centers), as well as military housing allowances and military housing were down graded greatly.

I saw this coming by statements made by the new administration before they were ever elected. So far in the first week I have been impressed by nothing this administration has said or rushed off to do. Donating more funding to world organizations that support abortion as a part of birth control is not really something I believe was a) necessary to do right away or b) something we should have even been doing considering the economic state our own country is in, forget the fact that I am completely against abortion to begin with. Those 2 reasons alone are more then enough to already be put off.

Everyone b*tches and complains about Bush this and Bush that, when it was just not all his doing. McCain asked for a review of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 2003 and was denied by congress as well as the laws that were used to create sub prime and non-income verified mortgage loans were approved during the final days of the Clinton administration! The 700 billion dollar bailout was not supported by republicans and was only approved by Bush because either way people would not have been happy with it. If he did it and it didn’t work (which we can all say it really isn’t) then everyone would blame it on him just as they are now, and if he didn’t do it and things were just the same as they are now (which they would have been) they would say if he had done it we wouldn’t be here…so it was a lose, lose, so he said if CONGRESS passed it he would sign off, hence complain about the right people!

Now your new administration, who started back pedaling on November 5th, is asking for 1 Trillion dollars! 1 Trillion Dollars!! Seriously? We really think this is a good idea? They already can’t decide what they are saying. Does it make 3 million new jobs? Save and make 4 million jobs? If they don’t know then why should be do it? Their response to members of the Republican Party is to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, I won! I think I might have said that to Sissy when I won the SGA class chair position in the 2nd grade, or was it 3rd grade? Wow, so I guess you really are just a YMCA director and now you are going to prove it to the whole world.

Now they say they are going to get all this money from the military. Forget the fact that they are already grossly underpaid (given the amount of time my husband spends working and away from his family, he makes less then $1.50 an hour, would you work for that? And that includes all the money for benefits). Now lets take some more away, lets forget that we are still and until we fall will always be the most hated country in the world, lets forget that these are the lives of people who protect us, let us forget that we currently operate under an All Volunteer Military unlike many nations that require everyone, even woman, to serve a few years no matter if they are at war, and lets deny the obvious. The fact of the matter is that we are not in the economic situation we are in thanks to the war, we are here because Wall street got greedy! People got greedy! And Americans like to spend money whether or not they can afford it. But the solution is to take away from defense…I guess so 9/11 can happen again? The military has been operating at a peace time level people! Barley above the normal spending and we have been able to build new ships, which are needed, build new planes, which are needed, develop new weaponry to protect our service members and our country. But, let’s take some of that away. Let’s not upgrade our artillery, let’s allow China and Russia’s military technologies to advance ours because we don’t think we need to develop new war fare because we can save a few bucks. Let’s give more money to those who cause the issue in the 1st place. Let’s return more terrorist to their countries so they can plan new attacks against Americans and their Allies. Lets do to those what we do to our own prisoners, lets be real we put them in jails with Cable TV, workout equipment, and more amanitas that I am pretty sure they don’t deserve or pay for. Why not? After all this is the change we all want to see right? I mean his response was He won? So now because he won we should just all move over and let him do whatever the heck he wants to?

I can assure you I won’t be doing that, and there are many others who will stand grounded. I am all for change. But lessening our defense, putting someone in charge of the CIA who has not Intelligence or covert operation experience, and rushing off to sign into policy as soon as you can anything and everything the last administration did is not change. It is called getting even and being and idiot. Sure change some of it, ever president does it. But didn’t you tell us all you had bigger and better things to do? So why don’t you start doing them, and start telling people the truth! That they should expect this down turn to last a while! That they should stop looking for a handout and see where they can help, tell wall street to figure it out! Stop aid to countries and programs that are just full of FAT and don’t really help people in the way they need it.,2933,482365,00.html

Yes, I am aware this is an opinion column. But it talks about a lot of things that are facts and how they relate to something I have seen coming since I heard the Name Obama.