Monday, June 22, 2009

Mommy, I pooped Again

Someone is So ready to use the potty!

Now if I could just get him to sit on the dang blasted thing!

Nothing is more flattering then walking into a store, 4 inch spike heels and work suit still on, 2 ½ year old who refuses to sit in the cart because “I wanna walk with you” is the cool thing to do, and your child announces all of Target that he has once again, for the 3rd time since you got off work, pooped.

Talk about the looks you get. Talk about the looks you really get when you don’t head straight to the bathroom to change him! Seeing as you do not have a Diaper bag with you because you are literally running in for some panty hose, and a gallon of Milk.

Oh the Joys.

I personally loved the woman behind me, who said, “mam, didn’t your son just tell you he pooped”. My response, “Yes”. Then the woman’s says “Well are you going to do something about it”. Me “sure am, as soon as I get home, is that ok with you?” I though the 16 year old boy was about to pee in his pants he was laughing so hard. I seriously wanted to smack the b*tch. I mean, yea he said he has pooped, but really I can’t smell it, we are in the check out line, obviously I am leaving. It wasn’t like there was poo coming down the kids leg and I was just standing there holding him!

Come to find out, he hadn’t even pooed. Apparently he just likes to tell me this now so I will change his diaper because he has decided this is a fun pass time!

Thank goodness the move is just around the corner! Because when it gets here it is Potty Training TIME!

T minus 8 days and counting!

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