Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Black Market Breast Milk

I am not really sure what to say about an article I read today on Foxnews.com. I am Pro Breastfeeding. I am a firm believer that it is the best option for your new child. It is the best for immunity, brain growth, and a whole slew of other advantages, not to mention much more cost effective.

However, that does not change my SHOCK! Utter shock! That woman are buying breast milk on the black market!

I truly feel for the woman out there who want nothing more then to breast feed their child.

Having done so with my son, it is definitely a bonding experience that can be replaced by nothing else. It was satisfying to know that after 9 months of providing for this little person that you made, that you can continue to do so, continue to help grow that little person.

But breastfeeding is tough! It is one of those things that no one talks about. I was shocked! After my son was born at the pain that was first associated with breast feeding. Of the constant feedings and always having a boob on demand. I had the best pump on the market, the Mendela Pump-in style, but pumping isn’t all it is cracked up to be. The gorging of your breast the first few days as your milk production settles in.

Don’t get me wrong I plan to do it again, but at the same time I think it is one of the hardest things about becoming a new mom.

Which is why I think I was so surprised that people buy it on the black market….from people they do not even know! I would never! Put something in my child’s body that I knowingly didn’t know if it was safe!

There are all kinds of banks that sell milk, and even banks that provide it to hospitals for babies in the NICU, but that milk has been processed. Breast milk can transmit all different types of diseases. HIV for one! Breast Milk is great, but risking your child of exposure to an incurable disease is not worth it! The benefits of breast milk do not outweigh the risk of black market milk! For me, I look at all the great options we have today and think of how fortunate we are. How lucky we are that formula has been developed. That it is a safe and good alternative for mothers who cannot breast feed your child. That we have a country that supplements mothers who do not have the financial means to purchase the formula through the WIC program so that there children receive the proper nutrition. Look at all the different kinds of formula we have out there! The advantages and the comfort it can offer to parents who’s children are lactose intolerant, or who have acid reflux, I mean we are Truly lucky people!

This article has enticed me to write a few blogs about Breast Feeding, so my next few may be all about that. Read the article. It is not some third world country; it is people here in the US! Paying $1.90 for half an ounce of breast milk!

Breast Feeding is making a comeback here in the states, but to me not necessarily in the right way.


Stay Tuned for:
Breastfeeding: For & Against
Breastfeeding Social Pressures and Socioeconomic Conditions
Breastfeeding and the Working Mom
Breastfeeding Tips and Supplies
What no one told you about Breastfeeding
What to do if Breastfeeding Isn't for You/your Baby
(some of these may be consolidated)

This section has been posted poned till further notice...I am just not feeling the calling for Breast Feeding at the moment. If you have questions...just email =) 6/22/09

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