Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breast Feeding: History, Facts, Advantages & Disadvantages

It only takes about 2 minutes for someone to Google the benefits of breast milk. The search engine will return with more sites, articles, and archives, then one person could ever read about the positive effects of breast milk for both the mother and the child. Research has been extensive on the subject for the past 50 years as things in our daily lives morph into what people of the past could have never fathomed. Although there are still not flying cars, purple aliens, or silver space suits, anyone would have to admit, A LOT has changed. And that change holds true with breastfeeding.

The common place assumption that you will breastfeed disappeared in the late 50’s and early 60’s with the development of Formula. Although formula had been commercially produced since 1867 by Justus von Liebig, it didn’t really become popular or believed safe for all children, till then. Right along with Birth Control and the Tampon it was probably one of the greatest developments that effected woman’s health in the 20th century. All of a sudden a woman who still couldn’t get her own name on a Charge Card (no such thing as a credit card yet) could “choose” how she would feed her child. Just like with all new developments in the beginning it was believed that for sure it was better then breast milk and it was pretty much the fashionably thing to do. Most middle class and wealthy woman switched to formula while the poor communities continued to breast feed. What is interesting is how that will change with time. I will discuss that in a later blog. (socioeconomic status and how it effects breast feeding)

With decisions galore to be made when you become a Mother, deciding to breast feed will be one of the most difficult and challenging not only to make, but to also perform. The decision for each person is different. Even Dr’s are spread across the board on what is the best for every child. All the studies you goggled will be full of Facts that prove the benefits of breast milk, however they will be full of inconsistency in the time frame that they all offer. From 6 weeks all the way to 24 months each study shows different advantages to the longevity of breast feeding. Most studies show little to no advantages after 6-8 weeks old. Some studies show results that are hard to determine such as your child’s IQ or Obesity Prevention. Each advantage and disadvantage will mean more to each woman making the discussion on what to do with their child. Whether you choice to breastfeed exclusively, pump exclusively, a mix of bottle and breast, supplement with formula, or exclusively formula feed. Every mother should read up on breast milk, breastfeeding, and formula LONG before the baby comes.

Some of the advantages to keep in mind when making your decision to breastfeed:
It is Free!
It is covenant, no running out or pre making bottles
Different taste~ your milk changes with what you eat.
You! It is proven to help restore your body to pre-preggo state as well as burns upwards of 500 additional calories a day.
Immunities- the baby receives many of your immunities against disease and minor infections.
Natural- Every mammal out there does it.
Many test show it helps with future Obesity, faster brain development, better eye sight, and a long list of additional benefits. (however these have not been studied as thoroughly and results vary drastically by study)
Bonding with your new born.
Ease of when and where you can feed, middle of the night! No problem! You can be half asleep and feed your child.
It is the way we were developed, it is the oldest and longest standing, therefore is the only 100% ALL NATURAL option

It is not convenient if you are not comfortable feeding anywhere or don’t want to pump
Some babies have a harder time latching on then others.
More frequent feedings.
You have to watch what you eat just as you did while you were pregnant.
You may not produce enough and may have to substitute with Formula anyway.

Advantages of Formula
It is sold in 3 different forms and multiple sizes
Comes in different formulas for baby’s with reflux, gas, or lactose intolerance
Is 100% covered by WIC, and Off Brands are the same thing
Can be purchased with a slew of different additives and purchased pretty much anywhere.

Expensive, if not covered by WIC
Is chemically produced and contains lots of additives
Each made bottle is no good after 1 hour or, one day in the fridge where as breast milk is good for 8 hours, 1 week in the fridge, 1 month in the freezer, and up to 12 months in a deep freeze.
Can once opened must be used in 7 days
Smells Terrible

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