Thursday, August 20, 2009

Pee While Standing

Something I have heard more then once in my life is that woman can do everything men can do except pee while standing up....well I must say travel to Japan and you will have to learn just as myself and the 22 other members of my Varsity all girl Cheerleading squad did back in 99. Although we could accomplish this feet, we were far from masters. As women 2 ft shorter then us would buzz in and out of the bathroom in a matter of seconds most of us couldn't complete the task without taking one full leg of our pants off.
Why on earth would I be talking about a trip and an experience from 10 years ago? Well, it is the only experience I had with my new mommy challenge.
As great as being in our new city is and my hubbies new job and work schedule is...there are still some short falls. Like Kaje starting preschool and needing to be able to pee standing up and no husband there to discuss this with him!
See, during the potty training process I taught him to sit down. Just as I am sure multiple other little boys are taught everyday. The standing up is messy for YEARS from what I hear, and I didn't think Kaje would be in any situations where it would matter quite so soon. However, when we went to his new preschool for meet the teacher night, I was asked point blank, "Does he pee standing or sitting? And if sitting does he know to push himself down?"
Enter Deer in headlights mother who is a good 6-10 years younger then any other mother in that class room and feels as though I am getting a stare down or that I might say the wrong thing.
"Umm, well he sits on a training potty at home or a training potty one of those available?" Response "No".
Ok, that is great! We start training the next day, as we have last then a week to master one of these 2 processes. Lets just say that peeing sitting and pushing down went over as well as resses cups without peanut butter. He just couldn't grasp the hold yourself on the potty with one hand, push down with the other. Not to mention I would be directly in front of him helping and yes you guessed it, getting peed on...aren't kids great! After a day of this I give up. He just isn't getting it. He is getting frustrated, I am frustrated, we are both tired of changing clothes. So we switch.
Just imagine yourself trying to teach a small child how to hold himself and know since you have never done this before! I didn't have to hold anything in Japan...other then standing I got NOTHING! I try to explain over and over what he has to do. He is crying he has to go peepee and wants to sit on his little potty, I am trying to explain he has to learn this to go to school, he says I don't want to go then...AHH This is a nightmare.
Then I discover Fruit Loops. Toss one in the potty, tell him to hit it as he goes pee pee. What do you know. 2 1/2 year old peeing while standing! Whewwww crisis adverted. Hubby is cracking up when he comes home and sees us in he bathroom asking me what I told him to do! All the while laughing at me.
Enter 1st day of school. I let the teacher know we can stand up! She replies "oh that is great! sorry if I caught you off guard on Tuesday evening I was just shocked he was so young and potty trained already!"
So the parents were looking at me because Kaje is the youngest in the class of 6, and he and the 1 little girl in the class are the only two not wearing a diaper or a pull up!!!
I must say, thus far teaching my son to pee while standing up was the most interesting...

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