Friday, May 15, 2009

Bed Time Battle: Take 2,3,4....9, 10,11,..almost there!

Take 2:

With Saturday Nights ultimate failure on getting K to go to bed. Sunday we introduced a new approach. I had forgotten that in the beginning days of K sleeping in the toddler bed we use to put two baby gates up. One on top of the other. He could climb over just the one, and with the stairs I just feared he would get out and no one would hear him and down the stairs he would go. So the new plan was to go back to the old plan.

2 Gates it is!

This was not well received. He cried, kicked, and finally crashed and went to sleep at the door of his room. For fear of waking him we let him stay there through the night. Such a terrible feeling to listen to your child cry and just stand in the other room trying to hold yourself back from going in there.

Take 3-9:

The 2 gate thing was too heart wrenching for me. With the house officially on the market now we have to stay on top of all the cleaning, so I persuaded the hubby to help me finish the laundry while we put K down. We could complete the folding and hanging in the guest room, which is right next to K’s room. Let him know we will be close by, but not have to listen to the crying. It breaks my heart.

It went well the 1st night. We were in the guest room and he only got out of bed a few times. I got the added bonus of having someone help me with the mounds of laundry…it is amazing how much my laundry level goes up with the husband at home. We will have to have a talk about that sometime soon. The next week of this plan was better but not perfect. He would get up and yell for me or his daddy. We would walk in the room and lay him back down to bed. After about an hour of the up –down up- down he would finally give way and not be able to get up that one last time. The major downfall to this was that he was still getting up at around 1 or 2 am and doing the whole back and forth thing again…

Take 10 & 11: One More Kiss Mommy

So the threatening with the 2nd baby gate definitely works. K hates the 2nd gate going on top of the 1st gate so much that if you just tell him you are going to do it he starts to get upset. Not that I like to make my child upset, but at the same time I need to sleep as much as he does!

However, he has a new trick. He comes to the door and calls for you, you go in all prepared to tell him to get back in bed, and he says in that little cute boy voice “one more kiss mommy”. How do you say no? So then you help him back into bed, tell him again if he gets out you are going to put the 2nd gate up. He says yes mam and you leave. The frequency is starting to slow. Now only about 3-4 back and forth trips and he will be out for the night. He has also gone down to just 1 middle of the night interruption. I think it is really sleep walking. I did that when I was younger. He gets up and asks for you and kind of stumbles around, but what I have found is that whether I pick him up and put him back in bed with me, or put him back in his bed, either way he goes back to sleep. I just need to be sure I am coherent enough to make sure I put him back in his bed. After 2 ½ years of bringing him to our bed…sometimes I just walk back to our room out of habit.

Almost there:

Last night we went to bed at 9pm! Read a book, climbed in, hugged mommy and daddy, only got out of bed once and stayed there. K awoke at 5:45 am and I put him in bed with us, to tell you the truth at that point there is no use fighting it. We both have to be out of bed soon anyway so you might as well put him in your bed. Then he sleeps while you get ready which makes the morning go much smoother. But whoooo….I am hoping that we are finally through this and I pray that with the pending move it doesn’t start back up.

On a side note, the hubby and I have decided for sure that although we always though a Queen sized bed would be large enough, it most certainly is not and we will be upgrading to a King as soon as we can!

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