The article below is something I have feared for a long time. As my husband and most of my friends spouses sit in the middle of the Indian Ocean fighting for freedom for other nations I wonder what happens to us next? One of my mothers good friends Susan and her husband were still active duty Air force during the years of Clinton and she asked me when I was home last week how much longer we will be in the service. I told her a little over three years, and she responded “Good”. She told me how it took about 2 years after Clinton came in to start seeing the changes, but they were drastic when they came and they not only effected her husband, but her and her children as well. Susan talked to me about the decrease in health provisions and service’s for family members, how the Exchange’s (basically the Military Wal-Mart/Department Store) and the commissary (the grocery store) decreased in what they offered and often had very limited amounts of what they did offer. She talked about how when someone was at the either store if they had diapers they would call everyone they knew who may need them and would buy everyone’s sizes because they were almost always out. They dropped the ability to opt out of tri care prime (the ability for military dependents to see non military dr’s) in areas of large military populations, many of the services offered were discontinued, MWR facilities lost funding (military community centers), as well as military housing allowances and military housing were down graded greatly.
I saw this coming by statements made by the new administration before they were ever elected. So far in the first week I have been impressed by nothing this administration has said or rushed off to do. Donating more funding to world organizations that support abortion as a part of birth control is not really something I believe was a) necessary to do right away or b) something we should have even been doing considering the economic state our own country is in, forget the fact that I am completely against abortion to begin with. Those 2 reasons alone are more then enough to already be put off.
Everyone b*tches and complains about Bush this and Bush that, when it was just not all his doing. McCain asked for a review of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae in 2003 and was denied by congress as well as the laws that were used to create sub prime and non-income verified mortgage loans were approved during the final days of the Clinton administration! The 700 billion dollar bailout was not supported by republicans and was only approved by Bush because either way people would not have been happy with it. If he did it and it didn’t work (which we can all say it really isn’t) then everyone would blame it on him just as they are now, and if he didn’t do it and things were just the same as they are now (which they would have been) they would say if he had done it we wouldn’t be here…so it was a lose, lose, so he said if CONGRESS passed it he would sign off, hence complain about the right people!
Now your new administration, who started back pedaling on November 5th, is asking for 1 Trillion dollars! 1 Trillion Dollars!! Seriously? We really think this is a good idea? They already can’t decide what they are saying. Does it make 3 million new jobs? Save and make 4 million jobs? If they don’t know then why should be do it? Their response to members of the Republican Party is to stop listening to Rush Limbaugh, I won! I think I might have said that to Sissy when I won the SGA class chair position in the 2nd grade, or was it 3rd grade? Wow, so I guess you really are just a YMCA director and now you are going to prove it to the whole world.
Now they say they are going to get all this money from the military. Forget the fact that they are already grossly underpaid (given the amount of time my husband spends working and away from his family, he makes less then $1.50 an hour, would you work for that? And that includes all the money for benefits). Now lets take some more away, lets forget that we are still and until we fall will always be the most hated country in the world, lets forget that these are the lives of people who protect us, let us forget that we currently operate under an All Volunteer Military unlike many nations that require everyone, even woman, to serve a few years no matter if they are at war, and lets deny the obvious. The fact of the matter is that we are not in the economic situation we are in thanks to the war, we are here because Wall street got greedy! People got greedy! And Americans like to spend money whether or not they can afford it. But the solution is to take away from defense…I guess so 9/11 can happen again? The military has been operating at a peace time level people! Barley above the normal spending and we have been able to build new ships, which are needed, build new planes, which are needed, develop new weaponry to protect our service members and our country. But, let’s take some of that away. Let’s not upgrade our artillery, let’s allow China and Russia’s military technologies to advance ours because we don’t think we need to develop new war fare because we can save a few bucks. Let’s give more money to those who cause the issue in the 1st place. Let’s return more terrorist to their countries so they can plan new attacks against Americans and their Allies. Lets do to those what we do to our own prisoners, lets be real we put them in jails with Cable TV, workout equipment, and more amanitas that I am pretty sure they don’t deserve or pay for. Why not? After all this is the change we all want to see right? I mean his response was He won? So now because he won we should just all move over and let him do whatever the heck he wants to?
I can assure you I won’t be doing that, and there are many others who will stand grounded. I am all for change. But lessening our defense, putting someone in charge of the CIA who has not Intelligence or covert operation experience, and rushing off to sign into policy as soon as you can anything and everything the last administration did is not change. It is called getting even and being and idiot. Sure change some of it, ever president does it. But didn’t you tell us all you had bigger and better things to do? So why don’t you start doing them, and start telling people the truth! That they should expect this down turn to last a while! That they should stop looking for a handout and see where they can help, tell wall street to figure it out! Stop aid to countries and programs that are just full of FAT and don’t really help people in the way they need it.,2933,482365,00.html
Yes, I am aware this is an opinion column. But it talks about a lot of things that are facts and how they relate to something I have seen coming since I heard the Name Obama.
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