Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I am one of those people that actually makes a list. Then I cross things off when they happen throughout the year. I even Keep the list. Lets just say that like the economy, my 2008 list didn't fair so well. So lets hope that 2009 is better! I even plan to come back to this throughout the year and cross things off as I do them! Some are typical, others are random, and some may just sound plain dumb to some people, but that is why it is my list and not yours =)

1. Lose 50 more lbs
2. Sell this House
3. Attend Church on a more regular basis, being tired isn't an excuse
4. Get more organized
5. Pay off all of our dent with exception of the house, car loan, and Wes's 1 student loan
6. Clean out unneeded clutter
7. Don't sweat the small stuff
8. Correspond more with distant friends and relatives
9. Dance
10. Work out 4 to 5 days a week
11. Forgive those who have trespassed against you
12. Shop Less, Save more
13. Grow our family
14. Get caught up on the scrapbooks and stay that way
15. Take more pictures.
16. Do something for yourself once a week.
17. Make sure everyone important to me knows it.
18. Start back to school on my M.E.
19. Actually clean, fold, and put away the laundry in the same day...heck even in 2 days.
20. Expand my menu options when I cook dinner.
21. Make this the best year ever!!!



  1. That is a ton of resolutions! But they are all wonderful.. I need to make a resolution to make more resolutions ;)

  2. LOL well I make a lot so that i will at least do 1 of them =)
