A blog is a great place to vent. To get it out of your mind or off your chest and just get it out there. I know I always feel better when I am not holding on to things.
Well, a blog sucks when you want to vent about work! And you work in Human resources!!! It isn't like I can really talk about things going on at work because of the area I work in and the fact that other employees can read it...so let it be known...that stuff is going on at work. Enough said.
But there is always something...
Lately I have been more stressed then usual. I think in general I usually have some type of stress going on, but it feels as though now things are just a worse. A good deal of it I have decided I must bring on myself. Much of it is completely out of my control, but it is still beyond frustrating. I think that the economy, my house, work, a 2 year old, husband overseas, illness, sickness, death, family, friends, lack of friends, my drama, your drama, people I knows drama, life shifts, blown out tiers, staples in scalps of two year olds, strep again (that is 4 times in 3 months), shin splints, busy gyms, death and lose of cell phones, death of ipod, computer issues, leaking ceilings, broken dishwashers, dead batteries, pending transfers, money, bills, and 2 dogs is just a lot to think about all at once.
That being said I think I have decided that I will just stop thinking about it. I will take some of the advice that i am always telling other people I know, and going to use it for myself. Easier said then done I am sure. I guess lets just hope that my advice to others "don't stress it will all work out in the end" is correct. Either way most of the things I am worried about, there isn't a whole lot I can do to control them. I seriously doubt anyone is going to ask me what my views are on how to fix this economy, or that the housing market will turn around by this May so I can sell my house, or that my superman son will stop jumping/running/or attempting to fly any time soon.
The more I worry the more stuff that happens, so I am done!
(Smile plastered on face while sneezing, noise watering and throat KILLING me)
Well maybe not completely done with the worrying/stressing...but I will try to focus more on the things that I can control over the things that I can't...Like would anyone like to adopt a 3 year old beagle and/or a 2 year old Maltese? Very cute and lovable and house broken???
Just Kidding...but at least now I feel better (except for the fact that I have strep again).
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