Saturday, November 21, 2009

the Internet...NOT always a good thing

We have some stuff going on here at the Herring house hold that I am not 100% ready to revile to the world. I has become a very trying time for my husband and I. K of course takes everything like any almost 3yr old would. There were some test run the other day that of course produced inconclusive results. Some days I wish I was a Doctors and could just run to the office and run as many test and I damn well pleased till I had my answer! But in stead us without an MD resort to the Internet. Googling symptoms or ailments, maybe symptoms, symptoms that disappeared and whole other slew of googling. One site says it is rare and unlikely list a group of factors that of course do not apply, then another site says something completely opposite.

Then there is the waiting game. Can't call your dr back till Monday. Can't do a lot about it till then. Don't really want to worry a bunch of people so you don't want to tell anyone what is going on. Just keeping it in the family and waiting for news.

I pray everything is ok. Whatever it is, it is. It is just one of those moments in life where the internet was NOT THE BEST place to go looking for answers.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Breeding Lizards

There is a fine Art to breeding Lizards. Yes you read that correctly, Breeding Lizards. Apparently, you must live in an area where it is still 70 degrees in November. Have a plush out door space with a large deck that keeps birds, and other large animals from eating them. On the cool days you must a rental house that has a WHOLE somewhere that lets them all come in and live in your house!!!

I swear we are BREEDING LIZARDS! The Scotts are coming this weekend and we have a lizard infestation. Now that being said, I must say it is an infestation I can handle, but at the same time I am kind of over it. The Lizards and tree Frogs were fun this summer, but now I am ready for them to be done with. However, in the past 2 weeks I have probably thrown out 8 that were about an inch long, and 2 that were 2-3 inches long and about 3 weeks ago we had a Large one, roughly 6 inches (those numbers are the body length not with tail). On top of that, no telling how many we have seen in the garage and caught in the back yard for fun during that same time period.

Seriously people! Lizards are taking over!!!

Well at least Kaje likes them, the dogs find them entertaining, and I get a work out trying to get them out of the house =)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey Mommy! Where have you been?

Well, where haven't we been?

Life has been insanely busy! Hard to say when I only work Part Time now instead of Full time, but you would be amazed how quickly I have filled my life back up!!! Kercher is growing so fast and requires a lot of attention and does not exactly listen when I ask him to be still or to go to his play room. Which by the way I will add, I will NEVER not have a playroom as long as I have small children EVER again! Greatest thing EVER!

I have been attempting to scrapbook, coupon, save money, get ready to finish my masters, and a whole slew of other things, all the while still not seeing my husband much (even though we are at a shore command). I will say it is WAY better then being on a ship and going out to sea all the time, but still not as great as a regular 9-5. We do however LOVE that Daddy gets to do pickups and drop offs from school and the sitter quite a bit. He does come home EVERYDAY which is a vast improvement, and although he ha been home now for close to 6 months I still like seeing him everyday (which any wife has to admit when you are use to not having your husband around all the time you have to wonder if you will want to kill him a few months into having him home everyday). but so far so good.

I have PROMISED a lot of readers a real coupon blog, so that is coming. i have been saving INSANE amounts of money at the store lately!!!

Well for now it is back to work, but i will post something soon!