Sunday, February 28, 2010

It is time I suck it up….

and buy some maternity clothes. I am not sure what I was thinking back in October when we discovered we were pregnant and thought I could make it through this pregnancy without the purchase of any maternity clothes. You would have thought I had never been pregnant before!

I think my initial thought was that I was not working in the office, so I would not need any work clothes. Well that is stil true. I figured I could wear my “fat” jeans (yes I have those) and put on a Bella Band and that would work. Still good there. Then I am pretty sure I could just wear all the cotton dresses I wore last summer because they are cotton, I bought a few of them a little large I figure oh yea sure that will work. Oh yea NOT!

I was at Target the other day and saw several super cute cotton summer dresses just in! granted I don’t really “need” anymore. But it is all I wear in the summer just about and I love it! So I tried them on. OMG laughable! I put on my regular size and although the top of the dress was super cute, let’s just hope that although some of the 80’s styles are making a comeback I really hope that a spandex preggo dress is not one of them! Tried a size up, umm still a little stretchy going on, went 2 sizes up the top looked ridiculously HUGE and the bottom, well it fit, for now! There was definitely no room for growth and given that I am only 20 weeks, something tells me I will be getting larger then I currently am. Not to mention that the few that did fit and looked cute, and had room to grow, would be so short in the front that I would look, well I would look like my clothes didn’t fit.

So….I hopped on the internet a few hours ago and ordered away some preggo summer clothes. I think I can make it till it gets warm. Provided that all this global warming will hurry up and kick in because I am still freezing my tushi off up here. I ordered WAY more then I need. But since I couldn’t try anything on I figured it was better safe then sorry. If I can get half of it to work I will be set. I still need a pair of jean Capri pants because I so do not wear shorts even when not pregnant. But, other then that I think I can make it through the summer =) and hopefully will be back in my non maternity clothes by the fall.

I still just can’t believe I thought I would be fine without any maternity clothes? I can be so blonde sometimes.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

My Advice

With a recent wave of new preggo peeps in my life I have had a lot of questions on what things I recommend and don't recommend for new parents. So to sum it up here is my advice.

Pass on the travel system and get the car seat of your dreams and a snap and go stroller. Buy a Britax convertible car seat, trust me they are worth the $$$. Get an swing that goes both front to back and side to side. If you plan to Breast Feed get a Medella Dual electric pump. If you can't afford the new one either rent from the hospital or buy a used one off Craig's list and order new parts from BRU or from their web page. Get a booster seat instead of a high chair. Shop Craig's list for Big items you want, but don't get at showers like swings and exersaucers. Often sold for a 3rd of the original price and can easily be disinfected when you bring it home.

Just my 2 cents =) I know lots of people do a lot of the opposite, but for me this is mostly what we did or what we learned by trial and error. Of course I have lots of other opinions on what I think is the best this or the best that, but these are the BIG ones! The ones that I really feel are good advice for a lot of people, the others are more of just my personal preferences like which Breast pads are the best, or what bottles I liked =) If you want that info by all means email me and I will fill you in!

Happy Shopping!

Oh one more thing! Be sure to register on all the web sites for formula, baby food, and diapers! No matter what you plan to use you will get great samples and coupons!!! And we all love to save money!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Place your Bets!

I may have won the war, but I am losing the fight.

Next week with be our BIG ULTRASOUND! And although for the past 20 weeks I have said we will not be finding out the sex of the baby, like all woman I have changed my mind =)

Hubby was always in favor of finding out, although now he says he has no opinion because he is in a lose lose situation. If he says yes lets find out then later I will say I wish we had waited, or if he says no lets wait and then later I say we should have found out. Although I know it was such a battle to just get him to accept waiting that I am sure deep down he wants to know.

Why am I failing at this? Well basically it is 4 fold. 1) I am pretty much 100% sure I know what the baby is. And when you are pretty sure you know it is kind of frustrating to not know for sure. 2) I can not buy any coordinating clothing. Yes I will be doing this alot! I don't care if I have boys!!!! Everyone says that all you can not buy when you don't know the sex is clothing and that is no biggy except when you are on baby 2 and that is all you really need. Other then that we have it all. So what fun is it to have a new baby coming yet not be able to get anything? I am a woman I LOVE TO SHOP! And 3) I have so many preggo friends right now who know what they are having and it makes me kind of sad not know. and last but not least 4) I hate calling my child an IT! It is not an IT is my baby a he or a she and I would like to call he/she by there name. I think it will be fun for Kaje to know who is coming and we can talk about it together. Now it is just "the baby" which to him means a whole lot of things.

So, what is your guess? We will know on Monday!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Best Comment EVER!

Some of you know that the birth of my son was FAR from ideal. Quite frankly it was pretty crappy and not a good experience. Due to my previous experience when we learned we were expecting again my hubby and I started looking into A LOT of other birth options.

It is amazing how many different options are out there. I am not a big promoter of Home Birthing, which a lot of people are doing these days. I just think that it is wiser to be somewhere just in case. We were looking into Birthing Centers, which I was VERY interested in using in the beginning. You have an atmosphere much like home, however have medical experts with you as well as the ability to get to the hospital very quickly if need be. In VA where we use to live there is actually a birthing center inside of a hospital! What an ingenious idea! Had there been one like that here then I think we would have chosen that option, however with some of the complications in my 1st deliver my husband was not thrilled about the 5 minutes ambulance ride to the hospital if there was an issue. Given it is his baby as well, that decision was nixed. Then we looked into using a Mid Wife at a hospital. One of the complications I faced was major back labor, due to my sons position as well as a type of scoliosis I have in my lower back. Due to my scoliosis (which is fairly extreme) the Dr had issue with getting an epidural in...imagine how you feel when a Dr tries 3 times to hit the right spot in your spine...the answer NOT GOOD! So I wanted to go as natural as possible with this 2nd birth. From speaking with other people and research I felt that I had the best chance of achieving that with amid Wife. My husband was happy we would be in a hospital so if there was an emergency we were there and I was happy getting my mid wife.

Well, that has all changed now. The more research I did, the more I knew what hospital I wanted to deliver at . Well, that hospital does not have any practicing Mid Wives, so out the door that went! And I found a great practice with 4 drs that I love! When speaking with my Dr's and telling them many of the difficulties I experienced with my son I felt very reassured that I would not encounter those issues again. SO many of them could have been avoided and were just laziness of the Military Facility I was at with my son. They also set me up to meet with 2 of the attending anesthesiologist at the hospital where I would labor. What a great experience! I had 2 Dr's feel my back and talk me through the difficulty's and the solutions if I wanted to receive pain medication. It was a relief. A relief to know that if it is too much or I have major back labor again (which I was told I probably will due to the shape of my spine) that I don't have to be all scared about getting an epidural.

It is good all of those things have changed because now Wes and I have decided to be induced so that we can insure his presence at the delivery (got to love the Navy, we are on Shore duty yet my husband will be traveling to VA for 5 months). That would mean a midwife is out from the get go, as well as a much higher chance of an epi with pitocin.

Enter the BEST COMMENT EVER! A doctor asked me why I felt it was more natural to be in pain then it was to receive a safe pain medication. My reply was it is drug and it would be a drug free birth. I could get up and walk around and be more active. Some say the baby is more active, (although my son was pretty active with an epi last time)you can push better, and etc. His reply was that is very true, but that doesn't mean that getting an epi is an "unnatural birth" if you went to the dentist and had a root canal and told the dentist you didn't need pain medication for something you know if going to hurt do you think that would be more "natural". I just laughed. I think if you can make it without pain medication that is awesome! But in no way do I feel as though a woman who ops to have pain medication is a failure. I have talked to many woman who did the whole labor without and then were too tired to push. SO i think it is very personal decision. But I loved the comment! I also love that I feel good about getting another one if I need it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Life Lessons~The Hard Way

I swear, I learn everything the hard way...EVERYTHING! It has its ups and downs learning things the hard way, but that doesn't mean I don't wish somewhere someone would let me read the book of my life and allow me to change a few of them. However, there are some of them I look back and say had I done that I wouldn't be here. Like, if I had gotten my degree in Education to begin with and wasn't taking grad classes for it now, I wouldn't have worked at Bahama Breeze in Birmingham and wouldn't have met my husband. If I hadn't moved strait to Norfolk after we married and my husband deployed and I had gone to Knoxville and completed grad school with my sister...then I wouldn't have met a lot of great people. But I would already have my graduate degree and wouldn't be putting it off yet again for another semester for the new baby and would already be teaching.

Those are just the tip of the ice burg. There are so many others, some that were life altering decisions and not always for the good, some that were minuet that may have had little to no outcome on my life what so ever. Some would have spared people (or myself for that matter) pain, but then again who is to say that it would have stayed that way forever?

My brother just made a HUGE decision. One that I hope he made the right one. He had an offer to play football in college, but decided to pass! How many people get that? I wish I could have just said DO IT! DO IT NOW! Listen to me! DO IT! Then again, maybe I would have been wrong and he is right. I guess only time will tell.

Going through this decision processes (and some of my own not so good decisions lately) has me thinking about how to tell/help my children make decisions. How to steer them in the right direction to make them be the people they should be. I also wish I could read their life manuals so I can spare them some pain. Don't you wish you could do that? Even something as simple as don't befriend that person, they will not be good for you! Or don't go to that party something bad will happen. I just wish I could keep them from any and all pain. I know it makes us who we are but there was definitely pain, or things I did in my life that would have been better had they been avoided.

I guess I just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. Share my mistakes and hope they don't make the same ones. That their mistakes don't alter their life for the worse,or that mistakes I have made don't negatively effect them either. That in the end they turn out just as perfect as I already know they are...I guess only time will tell, but wouldn't it be nice if everything in life didn't have to be learned the hard way?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Too Exhausted!!!

I have been too exhausted to blog....lots on my mind to blog about but zero energy in which to do so.
However, looks as though I will be without work here soon! So maybe when that happens I will have more energy, or maybe after all this travel stops Mid-March I will have more energy.

But for now I got nothin...