Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Ten years

I am not a big celebrity bogger. I really am not “huge” into reality TV. But of course, I too was sucked in by the Jon and Kate episode that played out last night. After 10 years of marriage and 8 kids, they are calling in quits.

It made me think what all can really happen in a period of time that in some instances sounds short, and in others long.

10 years ago, I had just graduated high school. Was preparing to start college and all the wonderfulness that surrounded that. My boyfriend was not the guy I married, was a year older then I was, yet was entering his senior year of high school. (I skipped a year, and he had a late b’day but still to this day it cracks me up).

I think about 10 years ago from today and think man that really was a while ago! In the past 10 years I have had 4 career changes, lived in 5 states, totaled 4 cars, bought 7 cars, got married, had a baby, bought a house, selling a house, attending grad school, received my real estate license, opened a Myspace page, got a facebook page, canceled myspace, watched 2 of my sisters graduate high school, 1 graduate college and grad school, watch my brother graduate 8th grade and now watching him be recruited by college’s to play football, lost people I loved, meet so many new people I couldn’t keep count, developed new frenimes, made 3 best friends for life, sent my husband out to sea for 6+ months twice, ect. But then I sit here and think to myself, 10 years was really not a long time. All of that feels like it happened yesterday.

10 years from now I will have a child in the 7th grade! Seriously! That is nuts! In 10 years I will be closer to 40 then to 35, which is farther away right now then being 20. I will have been married for 14, have a 12 ½ year old, my dog Tessa will more then likely be on her last leg at 14, my parents will be in their 60’s, my grandparents in their 80’s, my baby brother will be the age I am now! I will have my 20 year high school reunion…..

Watching last night's episode just made me think how fast things can change. 10 years sounds like a lifetime, but passes in a blink of an eye.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Mommy, I pooped Again

Someone is So ready to use the potty!

Now if I could just get him to sit on the dang blasted thing!

Nothing is more flattering then walking into a store, 4 inch spike heels and work suit still on, 2 ½ year old who refuses to sit in the cart because “I wanna walk with you” is the cool thing to do, and your child announces all of Target that he has once again, for the 3rd time since you got off work, pooped.

Talk about the looks you get. Talk about the looks you really get when you don’t head straight to the bathroom to change him! Seeing as you do not have a Diaper bag with you because you are literally running in for some panty hose, and a gallon of Milk.

Oh the Joys.

I personally loved the woman behind me, who said, “mam, didn’t your son just tell you he pooped”. My response, “Yes”. Then the woman’s says “Well are you going to do something about it”. Me “sure am, as soon as I get home, is that ok with you?” I though the 16 year old boy was about to pee in his pants he was laughing so hard. I seriously wanted to smack the b*tch. I mean, yea he said he has pooped, but really I can’t smell it, we are in the check out line, obviously I am leaving. It wasn’t like there was poo coming down the kids leg and I was just standing there holding him!

Come to find out, he hadn’t even pooed. Apparently he just likes to tell me this now so I will change his diaper because he has decided this is a fun pass time!

Thank goodness the move is just around the corner! Because when it gets here it is Potty Training TIME!

T minus 8 days and counting!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Breast Feeding: History, Facts, Advantages & Disadvantages

It only takes about 2 minutes for someone to Google the benefits of breast milk. The search engine will return with more sites, articles, and archives, then one person could ever read about the positive effects of breast milk for both the mother and the child. Research has been extensive on the subject for the past 50 years as things in our daily lives morph into what people of the past could have never fathomed. Although there are still not flying cars, purple aliens, or silver space suits, anyone would have to admit, A LOT has changed. And that change holds true with breastfeeding.

The common place assumption that you will breastfeed disappeared in the late 50’s and early 60’s with the development of Formula. Although formula had been commercially produced since 1867 by Justus von Liebig, it didn’t really become popular or believed safe for all children, till then. Right along with Birth Control and the Tampon it was probably one of the greatest developments that effected woman’s health in the 20th century. All of a sudden a woman who still couldn’t get her own name on a Charge Card (no such thing as a credit card yet) could “choose” how she would feed her child. Just like with all new developments in the beginning it was believed that for sure it was better then breast milk and it was pretty much the fashionably thing to do. Most middle class and wealthy woman switched to formula while the poor communities continued to breast feed. What is interesting is how that will change with time. I will discuss that in a later blog. (socioeconomic status and how it effects breast feeding)

With decisions galore to be made when you become a Mother, deciding to breast feed will be one of the most difficult and challenging not only to make, but to also perform. The decision for each person is different. Even Dr’s are spread across the board on what is the best for every child. All the studies you goggled will be full of Facts that prove the benefits of breast milk, however they will be full of inconsistency in the time frame that they all offer. From 6 weeks all the way to 24 months each study shows different advantages to the longevity of breast feeding. Most studies show little to no advantages after 6-8 weeks old. Some studies show results that are hard to determine such as your child’s IQ or Obesity Prevention. Each advantage and disadvantage will mean more to each woman making the discussion on what to do with their child. Whether you choice to breastfeed exclusively, pump exclusively, a mix of bottle and breast, supplement with formula, or exclusively formula feed. Every mother should read up on breast milk, breastfeeding, and formula LONG before the baby comes.

Some of the advantages to keep in mind when making your decision to breastfeed:
It is Free!
It is covenant, no running out or pre making bottles
Different taste~ your milk changes with what you eat.
You! It is proven to help restore your body to pre-preggo state as well as burns upwards of 500 additional calories a day.
Immunities- the baby receives many of your immunities against disease and minor infections.
Natural- Every mammal out there does it.
Many test show it helps with future Obesity, faster brain development, better eye sight, and a long list of additional benefits. (however these have not been studied as thoroughly and results vary drastically by study)
Bonding with your new born.
Ease of when and where you can feed, middle of the night! No problem! You can be half asleep and feed your child.
It is the way we were developed, it is the oldest and longest standing, therefore is the only 100% ALL NATURAL option

It is not convenient if you are not comfortable feeding anywhere or don’t want to pump
Some babies have a harder time latching on then others.
More frequent feedings.
You have to watch what you eat just as you did while you were pregnant.
You may not produce enough and may have to substitute with Formula anyway.

Advantages of Formula
It is sold in 3 different forms and multiple sizes
Comes in different formulas for baby’s with reflux, gas, or lactose intolerance
Is 100% covered by WIC, and Off Brands are the same thing
Can be purchased with a slew of different additives and purchased pretty much anywhere.

Expensive, if not covered by WIC
Is chemically produced and contains lots of additives
Each made bottle is no good after 1 hour or, one day in the fridge where as breast milk is good for 8 hours, 1 week in the fridge, 1 month in the freezer, and up to 12 months in a deep freeze.
Can once opened must be used in 7 days
Smells Terrible

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Black Market Breast Milk

I am not really sure what to say about an article I read today on Foxnews.com. I am Pro Breastfeeding. I am a firm believer that it is the best option for your new child. It is the best for immunity, brain growth, and a whole slew of other advantages, not to mention much more cost effective.

However, that does not change my SHOCK! Utter shock! That woman are buying breast milk on the black market!

I truly feel for the woman out there who want nothing more then to breast feed their child.

Having done so with my son, it is definitely a bonding experience that can be replaced by nothing else. It was satisfying to know that after 9 months of providing for this little person that you made, that you can continue to do so, continue to help grow that little person.

But breastfeeding is tough! It is one of those things that no one talks about. I was shocked! After my son was born at the pain that was first associated with breast feeding. Of the constant feedings and always having a boob on demand. I had the best pump on the market, the Mendela Pump-in style, but pumping isn’t all it is cracked up to be. The gorging of your breast the first few days as your milk production settles in.

Don’t get me wrong I plan to do it again, but at the same time I think it is one of the hardest things about becoming a new mom.

Which is why I think I was so surprised that people buy it on the black market….from people they do not even know! I would never! Put something in my child’s body that I knowingly didn’t know if it was safe!

There are all kinds of banks that sell milk, and even banks that provide it to hospitals for babies in the NICU, but that milk has been processed. Breast milk can transmit all different types of diseases. HIV for one! Breast Milk is great, but risking your child of exposure to an incurable disease is not worth it! The benefits of breast milk do not outweigh the risk of black market milk! For me, I look at all the great options we have today and think of how fortunate we are. How lucky we are that formula has been developed. That it is a safe and good alternative for mothers who cannot breast feed your child. That we have a country that supplements mothers who do not have the financial means to purchase the formula through the WIC program so that there children receive the proper nutrition. Look at all the different kinds of formula we have out there! The advantages and the comfort it can offer to parents who’s children are lactose intolerant, or who have acid reflux, I mean we are Truly lucky people!

This article has enticed me to write a few blogs about Breast Feeding, so my next few may be all about that. Read the article. It is not some third world country; it is people here in the US! Paying $1.90 for half an ounce of breast milk!

Breast Feeding is making a comeback here in the states, but to me not necessarily in the right way.


Stay Tuned for:
Breastfeeding: For & Against
Breastfeeding Social Pressures and Socioeconomic Conditions
Breastfeeding and the Working Mom
Breastfeeding Tips and Supplies
What no one told you about Breastfeeding
What to do if Breastfeeding Isn't for You/your Baby
(some of these may be consolidated)

This section has been posted poned till further notice...I am just not feeling the calling for Breast Feeding at the moment. If you have questions...just email =) 6/22/09

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

What every New Mommy needs

Lately I have had a battery of friends get preggo! Lots of fun and since most are having Girls; I am having a BLAST with the shopping! Girl stuff is so much cutier! Although God new what he was doing when he gave me a boy, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.

However, I have been getting the same emails about the same things from them about what they need (Although most of my Navy friends have kids, none of Junior League friends do, and only a few of my friends from college do, but none of them know each other). So I promised them (although they don’t make themselves followers of my blogs…you know who you are =) that I would post something on here about the things I think you must have! And what I think you should pass on!

So here you go…..

The Top Must Haves for a new Mom!!!

Cradle Swing (don’t waist your money on anything else)
Excersaucer (if you ever want to shower in the house from 4 m- 1 ½ when no one else is home)
NUK nipple (just me, but if you plan to breast & bottle, it’s the best to avoid nipple confusion)
Snap-n-go stroller
Munchkins Formula Holder
MENDELA dual breast pump (don’t waist your money just buy this one I promise)
Diaper Genie II
Pack n Play (exp if you travel a lot or do not have friends with kids)
Johnson's & Johnson's Breast Pads (for mom)
SPANX (for mom)
Booster Seat (they have ones that convert for infants, are around $30 and take up NO SPACE)
Convertible Crib
Baby Bjorn Carrier (ability to carry on back and stomach)
SNACK TRAPS! (trust me best invention of the 21st century)


Jogging Stroller (although make sure yours has a collapsible front wheel)
Jonny Jump up or Jumparoo
Leap Frog Learn and Grove Musical Table
Bouncy Seat (Kaje didn’t use one, but my friend Amy’s daughters both liked it)
Bumbo Seat (same thing as the Bouncy Seat for us)

What to Skip

Travel System (big, bulky, and expensive)
Baby Einstein Video’s (most kids I know were not interested in TV till they were older)
High Chair (buy a booster half the price, and half the space)
Bassinet (unless you have a family heirloom use the pack in play, they won't stay in it long)
Baby Swaddle Carrier (most babies like to see what is going on)
Grocery Cart/High Chair Cover (just something extra to cart around, and you will like twice)
Walker (they tell you not to get them anyway)
Boppy Pillow (and if you do get one, you won’t use it for its original use)
Wipe Warmers/Bottle warmer (if you do, go with the Parents Choice at Wal-Mart)
Changing Table (buy a dresser, put a changing mate on top, tada!! functional furniture)
Toys (trust me people will buy them for you =) )

I am sure there are many things I left off the list, or things you disagree on, but that is my opinion =)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mamma Mia, Here we go again! My My…

Yay! It is summer time and so great to be outside all the time! My hubby and I have worked the past 3 years on our house just to put it on the market 3 weeks ago. Kind of sad to work just to sell it and not enjoy it one bit! The house has been showing like crazy! So needless to say it has been good we have been out of town as much as we have because getting out of the way is very frustrating all weekend! Especially last Saturday when we had 2 extra little ones with us! But a trip to the park filled the time, tired out the kids, and our Realtor was told by the showing agent that the people LOVED the house so we praying for an offer =)

However not much of that has to do with Kaje…

Mamma Mia! Is what I said to myself last night when my child sat on the potty and went to the bathroom!!! No clue why! I didn’t ask! I didn’t say anything! Heck it was 11:30 at night! He had been in bed since 8. I heard him call me and he said he pee pee…but his diaper was dry. He got very agitated that I wouldn’t change him, so I was just going to go ahead and change a clean diaper. (We plan to go into FULL SCALE potty training the 1st of next month, I will have some time on my hands seeing as I will be unemployed). Well he gets up and starts walking to my room. He is drowsy and sleepy and I am just like please don’t pee on the new hardwood floor…

He walks right into our bathroom, sits on his little potty, and pees. A LOT! Got to say, I am not a fan of cleaning that little potty out! But I was in shock and seeing as it was 11:30 at night, I had no one to call to tell about it! Heck I haven’t even told my husband yet because he is in SC looking for a place for us to live. Needless to say, this morning I figured what the heck, lets start now with the potty why wait? We know he is read. Every time he goes to the bathroom he tells you about it. Nope. He screamed and screamed and screamed. He wanted nothing to do with that little potty and stood right there next to it and peed. I tried to get him to at least shoot it toward the potty or sit down or anything…well you can imagine how that went, and lets just say my pj’s will be washed in hot water tonight. Then I told him, see the mess? That is why we pee pee in the potty, and his response…no lie!

No mommy you make a mess! I wanted a Diaper!!!!

So here we go again! This will be our second bought with using and not using the potty. At about 11 months he started using the potty ALL THE TIME! Except at night when he was asleep. We never took him out of diapers because we were in SHOCK that he was using the potty all the time. Day Care he didn’t all the time, or at other homes, ok well maybe not all the time but at our house he did. Then we went to my moms for Christmas and that has pretty much been that for the last year and a half. So needless to say…..

Here we go again! Only this time, when we stop he will be potty trained!