Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A New Direction

It has been quite a while since I have written a blog. Between everything going on in this tiny house it is hard enough to keep up with the laundry let alone take some time to write a blog! However, I am setting a new goal with our new life that will be starting next week. Take a little time and blog, fingers crossed, once a week. I am going to change the direction of the blog, I think I am going to use it more as an online scrapbook (since I have ABSOLUTLY NO time for that anymore). That keeps track of the things we have going on and make it more for the kids to one day look back on. I think in this technical age it probably makes more since then me spending weeks of my time cutting out pictures and adding embellishments. Although I do plan to scrapbook again one day when there is somewhere to do it.

So quick update for those who are not in the loop =)

I quit my job. Last day is April 28th. I will be attending Grad School for a Masters in Elementary Education and I am pretty excited about it. Wes and I have only been talking about me going back to school for 6 years and some how we finally made the plunge. Kercher has been having a few medical mysteries lately but is in overall good health. He seems to be doing well with what is going on and we will share one day when we are more comfortable with the issues and have more answers. But there is no reason to worry =) Prayers are nice though. Braelyn Ann is growing up. She has been crawling for a few months now and claps and waves bye bye all the time. She is of course pulling up on everything and trying to show her big brother who's the boss. She is still a very clingy baby which is new to us but she seems to be adjusting better then she was a few months ago. Wes has been insane at work and spends a lot of hours at the boat. We still see him more here then we did before, but we are are looking forward to the quickly approaching Navy Exit date :)