Thursday, April 1, 2010

Things a 3 year old will teach you

1)Candy, Cake, and whatever else they can reach themselves is a nutritional breakfast as long as it means you do not have to get out of bed yet.
2)The word Finger sounds weird when you say it 100 times.
3)Fingers do not have proper names. They are all fingers. You have the "littlest finger" (the thumb), the "tiny finger" (pinkie), the "biggest one" (middle finger), the "medium one" (index finger), and the "almost big one" (ring finger). But they are all "just fingers"
4) your favorite color will be assigned to you not chosen by you.
5)Dirt is ok because God made it and made man from it so therefor I cannot be angry when he is dirty because he is made from dirt.
6)Fish Sticks are a vital part of a daily diet.
7)Watermelon is only for little people, and I am not allowed because I am big people.
8)No need to have one best friend, everybody is a best friend.
9)Work is elective.
10) the word mommy can be said a 1000 different ways, but when heard 1000 times a day you may start to wonder why you taught them the word.
11)Bath time=Break time.

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