Welcome to the Boom Boom Room, aka my uterus. Oh the days before you could feel your little one move. Even being a 2nd time around mommy and knowing that once you do feel him/her they tend to want you to feel them when you want to do something else, like sleep.
Braelyn is a picking mover, just like her big brother. I have been able to feel her from the outside and even see her kick my blanket for a few weeks now, however the second Wes's hand touches me she lays still. No less then 2 minutes after he has stopped waiting to feel her she is off again. She is a night time mover, hence her Boom Boom nick name. Around 7 pm the acid reflux kicks in, and then by 8 she is in a constant state of movement.
I envision her thinking something like this:
"ooo what is that over there (i feel major kick) ooo a kidney, that is bouncy, kick, kick, kick, hey hey look at that, what is that? (squeezes bladder by sitting on it) humm, I wonder if mommy needs to pee? Naa (bouncing up and down on bladder). Uh oh there is daddy I better be still....ok he is gone lets run our finders across things and make mommy feel all flutter and weird. LOL did you hear mommy? She said it is creepy lets do it some more....( as little tinnical(sp)like feelings spread across the upper rib cage). Ok well I am board now I will leave her alone for now.
-2 hours later laying in bed-
DANCE PARTY time! Forget hitting these crazy things lets just do some new butty busting moves, a little cha cha to the left, oh no mommy don't lay that way, I don't like it (bang bang bang on my side till I re adjust). Like that, yes lay like that. Da da da da da da, da da da da da ta this dancing all around and flipping is fun. Whooooosh summer salt (sp) whoosh and another one (me feeling nauseous feeling as insides are spinning wile this child literally flips herself over and over and over again. Don't believe it? You can watch as her butt passes on by the top of my stomach, again and again, an again). Ok well I will sleep now."
Tap tap on face, "mommy you awake" oh good lord the other one is awake now.
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