Sunday, April 4, 2010

Mommy, where is your wewe....

Yes, this was the 1st question of the day today.

We are at church for Easter Sunday. Little man has to potty so off we run. Being a little over 25 weeks pregnant, I figure lets kill two birds with one stone so I too decide to use the potty. Then I get the show stopping question "mommy where is you wewe?". Being that it is Easter I had more prepared myself for "why did Jesus die" or "how did Jesus come back to life" question today. I was pretty much completely blindsided by "where is your wewe?" Best I could come up with is mommies don't have wewe's. Oh if I only knew the slew of questions that would follow. See if you can follow along:

K:"mommy where is your wewe?"
me: "well mommies don't have wewe's"
K: "well daddies do, I know because I saw daddy's it is like mine just bigger, because he is bigger"
me: kind of taken back by my child's detailed account of my husbands body but ok..."right daddies and little boys have wewe's but mommies don't"
K:"well how do you peepee? do you not peepee mommmy?"
me: processing how to explain human anatomy to a 3 year old "mommies peepee just in a different way"
K: "right you sit on the potty like you have to poopoo" as he giggles
Me: "right mommies sit down to go peepee"
K: "so is your peepee broken?"
Me: thinking this is a good way to exit this conversation "yes, mommies have broken wewe's so we sit when we peepee."
K: "cool"
Me: thinking to myself thank goodness that conversation is over for now, I better figure something out before the baby gets here because I am sure the "where is Braelyn's wewe" question is looming around the corner.

We exist the stall to wash our hands were two women in their mid-forties both smile and me and say "that one threw you for a loop didn't it? Just wait they get better! No worries you handled it like a pro". Then they walk out.

I just kind of laughed to myself. I remember my mom always saying that you explain things to kids a little bit at a time. They will keep asking and you keep giving a little more till they are satisfied with what you have told them. I have to say after today's experience I think that is totally right. I don't think my 3 year old is ready to process the deference in male and female anatomy and if a broken wewe works, then we will go with it =)

And in other completely not related to this post news. I finally took a bump pictures for all of those who keep bugging me for one =) don't hold your breath of another...but here you go =)

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