Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It has been a while, and life has been busy to say the least. Wes has been gone for over a month now, Kercher is in his last week of school, my baby sister graduated college and my brother graduated high school. Talk about feeling old!

A few weeks back we had another "scare" I guess you could say with the baby. I failed my 1 hr glucose test as well as had a dangerously low iron level. The OB was considering sending me in for a transfusion. Got both of those shockers at the same moment and it was a lot to take. Luckily I just went in for an iron injection so no transfusion. Took the 3 hr GD test and all was well. Had a 2nd Iron injection along with an INSANE amount of iron supplemen (ya me), but with the 2nd injection things seem to be just fine! They will continue to monitor my Iron. I have added a lot of greens to my diet as well as take the supplement I was prescribed everyday. Very relieved that both issues seem not to be a big deal as the OB was very concerned in the beginning.

Friday I had a growth ultrasound, and lets just say I am having another big baby. It kind of surprised me a little because I feel so much smaller this go round. I think a good deal of that is weight gain. With Kercher I gained around 60, after my apt yesterday I am only up by 17 so ya me. It has been a pain to stay down, but given I have extra weight to begin with it is a really good thing for me, so for that I pat myself on the back. Gaining weight when you are pregnant is a good thing, but when you have some you could shed from the get go it is better to not gain a lot, so I have really stayed on top of myself and made sure to not fall into the "I'm pregnant and fat anyway so I can eat whatever I want" like I did with Kercher. I also carried Kercher around like a tire, which is how most people carry girls, and am carrying this baby straight out front like an over inflated basketball which is how most people carry boys, but hey Old Wives tales are just that, tales. Anyway, Braelyn was weighing in at just shy of 6 lbs on Friday at 32w1d. I know growth u/s can be off by up to a pound, but I tend to believe she is right. Even if she is wrong and she is just shy of 5 lbs, the average baby at 32 weeks is 3.75 lbs. I had been measuring 14 days ahead, but have taken a huge jump and am now measuring 4 weeks ahead. However, from our 1st ultrasounds we know I am not any more pregnant then we thought and originally the OB was thinking I was less pregnant. Oh well =) So we are off the chart in size. As long as she has a small head like her brother I will be good with that.

Well, that is enough catching up for today. I will try to be better about posting.

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