All the bogs I follow have disappeared! I am so sad!!! I wonder how this happened?
A record of the mis-adventures of this working military wife and my journey as a Mommy… oh, and my opinion of All Things Mommy
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I've been Down Graded!!!
I don't really know how it happened, or when it happened, or even what brought it on, but I have officially been down graded =( I am no longer Mommy and am now just Mom. It is kind of sad to think that my little man is old enough to call me Mom. I have tried to reinforce the Mommy...but he just isn't going for it. I knew one day I wouldn't be mommy anymore, I guess I just didn't expect it to be so soon!
It makes me think about when I started this blog and that little boy calling me from the back seat saying Hey mommy Hey mommy all the time...
It makes me think about when I started this blog and that little boy calling me from the back seat saying Hey mommy Hey mommy all the time...
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Life Lessons
I think my least favorite thing about being a parent is life lesson moments. Today was a new one for us. Stealing. I was so sad and disappointed at 1st, but then I realized that we do things as children because we don't know the difference between right and wrong. That these moments are my opportunity to teach him the why behind his decision making. I think that is what scares me the most. How do I make sure I teach him the why correctly, make sure he understands, make sure he holds this moment in his mind forever, and never steals again.
He didn't swipe anything from a store like I did when I was 6 and took a pack of double bubble from the local Piggly Wiggly. He took a toy from a friend’s house. I know he knew it was wrong, but I don't think he really understood how wrong it was. We spent the day playing with some friends and when we had to leave I gave K a little kiss when we got in the car because I was so proud of what a good listener he had been today. I let him know how happy I was and he said he had a good day to. I think that is what made the realization that he had stolen something 15 minutes later so hard.
When we arrived at Target to get a few things on the way home he had a little car I didn't recognize in his hands. At 1st I thought it was a little mico machine or something that he found on the ground. But the second I noticed it he tried to get it back in his pocket, needless to say he knew he shouldn't have it. Once he gave it to me I knew exactly what it was. It was a mini transformer. He has a mini Bumblebee transformer, and this was Megatron. He had wanted a Megatron, but he hasn't saved enough money yet to buy it. (I know it sounds harsh to make a 4 year old pay for their own toy, but he is a pretty blessed kid and I want him to learn how hard it is to earn those dollars that buy all the wonderful things he has. He has more than he needs, and most of his wants, so I don't see anything wrong teaching him to save his quarters for little toys, although I have been told that this is a terrible thing). Anyway, I asked him where he got it and he didn't want to tell me. After several minutes of back and forth he finally admitted he got it from his friend’s house. The two boys had been "giving" things to each other all day so at first I wondered if maybe his friend hadn't told him that he could have it. He instantly said yes. That of course made me wonder. I let him know that it didn't matter if he took it, or his friend gave it to him that either way he was in trouble because he didn't ask me. I told him he would be in better shape if he told me the truth now then if I found out later. I don't think he really understood what I was asking so I asked him, if we go back to your friends and I ask him if he told you that you could take this toy home is he going to say yes? A few minutes later he told me no. That he took the toy because he had wanted one and that he was sorry he made me so sad. That he was sad too now because he knew he had hurt his friend. He then asked me if he was still going to get the movie I told him we were picking up when we went to target. Needless to say the answer was no, and he was pretty upset. He cried quietly to himself the rest of the shopping trip and then all the way back to his friends. I made him give to toy back to his friend in front of his parents and tell him he was sorry and that he hoped he could still come and play again. Our friends are great and they totally would never not allow us to come over because K put a transformer in his pocket, but they knew I was trying to get a point across and my friend T (the mom) turned it into a great learning lesson for all three kids and talked about why we don't take things from others, and then told K how proud she was of him for telling the truth and K's friend and T gave K a big hug before we left.
I hope this is the only time we have to tackle the stealing lesson. I know when I stole the gum, I never swiped anything again. To this day when I realize people missed ringing something up I take it back inside to pay for it. I will never forget having to tell the manager of that store I was sorry and how embarrassing it was. I hope this made a lasting impression on K. It still is one of those things that scare me the most about parenting. These are the moments that it is all on us. That we have to make sure to get the lessons across, to make sure that we are raising responsible people. I think my mom said it best when she told me "you are not raising children, you are raising adults". As crazy as that sounds to some people it really is true, we are raising adults. I just hope we are doing it right....
K and I said a little prayer tonight and he told God he was sorry which I thought was cute. He told me at bedtime he was still sad he didn't get his movie and that he is never going to take anything that isn't his again.
I wonder what tomorrow's challenge will be?
He didn't swipe anything from a store like I did when I was 6 and took a pack of double bubble from the local Piggly Wiggly. He took a toy from a friend’s house. I know he knew it was wrong, but I don't think he really understood how wrong it was. We spent the day playing with some friends and when we had to leave I gave K a little kiss when we got in the car because I was so proud of what a good listener he had been today. I let him know how happy I was and he said he had a good day to. I think that is what made the realization that he had stolen something 15 minutes later so hard.
When we arrived at Target to get a few things on the way home he had a little car I didn't recognize in his hands. At 1st I thought it was a little mico machine or something that he found on the ground. But the second I noticed it he tried to get it back in his pocket, needless to say he knew he shouldn't have it. Once he gave it to me I knew exactly what it was. It was a mini transformer. He has a mini Bumblebee transformer, and this was Megatron. He had wanted a Megatron, but he hasn't saved enough money yet to buy it. (I know it sounds harsh to make a 4 year old pay for their own toy, but he is a pretty blessed kid and I want him to learn how hard it is to earn those dollars that buy all the wonderful things he has. He has more than he needs, and most of his wants, so I don't see anything wrong teaching him to save his quarters for little toys, although I have been told that this is a terrible thing). Anyway, I asked him where he got it and he didn't want to tell me. After several minutes of back and forth he finally admitted he got it from his friend’s house. The two boys had been "giving" things to each other all day so at first I wondered if maybe his friend hadn't told him that he could have it. He instantly said yes. That of course made me wonder. I let him know that it didn't matter if he took it, or his friend gave it to him that either way he was in trouble because he didn't ask me. I told him he would be in better shape if he told me the truth now then if I found out later. I don't think he really understood what I was asking so I asked him, if we go back to your friends and I ask him if he told you that you could take this toy home is he going to say yes? A few minutes later he told me no. That he took the toy because he had wanted one and that he was sorry he made me so sad. That he was sad too now because he knew he had hurt his friend. He then asked me if he was still going to get the movie I told him we were picking up when we went to target. Needless to say the answer was no, and he was pretty upset. He cried quietly to himself the rest of the shopping trip and then all the way back to his friends. I made him give to toy back to his friend in front of his parents and tell him he was sorry and that he hoped he could still come and play again. Our friends are great and they totally would never not allow us to come over because K put a transformer in his pocket, but they knew I was trying to get a point across and my friend T (the mom) turned it into a great learning lesson for all three kids and talked about why we don't take things from others, and then told K how proud she was of him for telling the truth and K's friend and T gave K a big hug before we left.
I hope this is the only time we have to tackle the stealing lesson. I know when I stole the gum, I never swiped anything again. To this day when I realize people missed ringing something up I take it back inside to pay for it. I will never forget having to tell the manager of that store I was sorry and how embarrassing it was. I hope this made a lasting impression on K. It still is one of those things that scare me the most about parenting. These are the moments that it is all on us. That we have to make sure to get the lessons across, to make sure that we are raising responsible people. I think my mom said it best when she told me "you are not raising children, you are raising adults". As crazy as that sounds to some people it really is true, we are raising adults. I just hope we are doing it right....
K and I said a little prayer tonight and he told God he was sorry which I thought was cute. He told me at bedtime he was still sad he didn't get his movie and that he is never going to take anything that isn't his again.
I wonder what tomorrow's challenge will be?
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Nakedness, Santa, and our Own Private Waterpark
Yep that title pretty much wraps up the day! Oh and my BF had a baby =)
With the forecast looking gloomy and me feeling and little exhausted by our seemingly living at the waterpark lately, I was moving a little slow this morning. But K talked me into going to the waterpark after the gym. While I was shaving my legs in the hall bathroom so I could keep an eye on the kids (you know multitasking is a mothers best trait!) Tessa starts to go completely ballistic! I figured someone was at the door, but oh well I didn't care I was busy. Well, I peek back out and low and behold K has opened up the door!!! There he is standing butt ass naked in all his little boy glory with the door wide open, me with shaving gel on one leg, half shaved other leg, in nothing but a pair of granny panties and a tank top carrying B while she screams. Yep pretty sure that guy got more then he bargained for when he rang our bell to see if we needed our grass cut!!!
A few hours later while working out at the gym I am about 45 minutes through killing the poor elliptical I am on when I see a man that looks just like Santa get on a treadmill across from me. A light bulb went off in my head almost immediately! I should totally point him out to K! Maybe it would remind him that he should always be good that he never knows who is checking on on him. Yes, yes I know you shouldn't trick your kids. But you know what I say to people who say that? Eitehr you don't have kids or your kids don't listen to you very well! (disagree if you wish). Needless to say K flipped out! He couldn't believe Santa was there checking on him! He is still talking about it and couldn't wait to tell his daddy when he got home from work! I am glad that gentleman was a good sport and hopefully he wasn't too offended by my asking.
So after seeing Santa we headed to the waterpark were we spend most of our time these days. We were apparently the only people who had that idea because this is what the waterpark looked like when we arrived!
Just to say it NEVER looks like this!
So what started as a crazy day, ended as a relaxing fun filled day I will remember for a long time.
~Till Later
Friday, July 22, 2011
It just makes me smile....
It just makes me smile ear to ear when I turn on my computer. A picture of my family from this 4th of July is the background and I just smile. It is so amazing to me still today after almost 6 years of marriage, Kercher 4 yrs old, and Braelyn Ann a little over a year that this is my life. I feel so blessed everyday to have a wonderful husband who loves me for who I am and is an amazing father and I know looking at my kids that somewhere along the way I did something right, because they are just perfect!
Just had to share =)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Braelyn Ann Ensley is 1!!!!
I can not believe my baby girl is a year old. It feels like she joined our family just days ago. I have been fortunate and she has stayed a baby. I think she knows that she may be the last one and that Mommy really didn't want her to grow up too fast like her big brother. She has done everything on an "average" pace which I just love! I still have to pinch myself sometimes and remind myself I really have a little girl. I always thought we would have all boys.
We had Braelyn Ann's birthday at the house. We cooked out hot dogs and set up a slip and slide for the little kids. It rained about 3 hours before the party, which I would have be upset about but it took the temp down from about 102 to around 88. So it was nice and cool (for the south anyway). We had a HUGE crowd! I can't imagine how packed our backyard and little rental house would have been if everyone we invited had been able to make it!
Ok, I am going to try to post some pictures for the 1st time =) lets see if I can figure this out!

We had Braelyn Ann's birthday at the house. We cooked out hot dogs and set up a slip and slide for the little kids. It rained about 3 hours before the party, which I would have be upset about but it took the temp down from about 102 to around 88. So it was nice and cool (for the south anyway). We had a HUGE crowd! I can't imagine how packed our backyard and little rental house would have been if everyone we invited had been able to make it!
Ok, I am going to try to post some pictures for the 1st time =) lets see if I can figure this out!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
A New Direction
It has been quite a while since I have written a blog. Between everything going on in this tiny house it is hard enough to keep up with the laundry let alone take some time to write a blog! However, I am setting a new goal with our new life that will be starting next week. Take a little time and blog, fingers crossed, once a week. I am going to change the direction of the blog, I think I am going to use it more as an online scrapbook (since I have ABSOLUTLY NO time for that anymore). That keeps track of the things we have going on and make it more for the kids to one day look back on. I think in this technical age it probably makes more since then me spending weeks of my time cutting out pictures and adding embellishments. Although I do plan to scrapbook again one day when there is somewhere to do it.
So quick update for those who are not in the loop =)
I quit my job. Last day is April 28th. I will be attending Grad School for a Masters in Elementary Education and I am pretty excited about it. Wes and I have only been talking about me going back to school for 6 years and some how we finally made the plunge. Kercher has been having a few medical mysteries lately but is in overall good health. He seems to be doing well with what is going on and we will share one day when we are more comfortable with the issues and have more answers. But there is no reason to worry =) Prayers are nice though. Braelyn Ann is growing up. She has been crawling for a few months now and claps and waves bye bye all the time. She is of course pulling up on everything and trying to show her big brother who's the boss. She is still a very clingy baby which is new to us but she seems to be adjusting better then she was a few months ago. Wes has been insane at work and spends a lot of hours at the boat. We still see him more here then we did before, but we are are looking forward to the quickly approaching Navy Exit date :)
So quick update for those who are not in the loop =)
I quit my job. Last day is April 28th. I will be attending Grad School for a Masters in Elementary Education and I am pretty excited about it. Wes and I have only been talking about me going back to school for 6 years and some how we finally made the plunge. Kercher has been having a few medical mysteries lately but is in overall good health. He seems to be doing well with what is going on and we will share one day when we are more comfortable with the issues and have more answers. But there is no reason to worry =) Prayers are nice though. Braelyn Ann is growing up. She has been crawling for a few months now and claps and waves bye bye all the time. She is of course pulling up on everything and trying to show her big brother who's the boss. She is still a very clingy baby which is new to us but she seems to be adjusting better then she was a few months ago. Wes has been insane at work and spends a lot of hours at the boat. We still see him more here then we did before, but we are are looking forward to the quickly approaching Navy Exit date :)
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